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"Klaus it's Bonnie can I come in?"


"Klaus you need to know more about what Is happening you can't just ignore it!"

Bonnie saw the door open there stands a pissed off hybrid eyes yellow and k-9 teeth sharper knowing that Klaus emotions were all over the place right now.

"Know more about it!? Why would I want to learn more about this curse that has been brought upon me."

"Klaus there's more stuff about this you need to know like the effects of having more than one mate, the physical and mental connection, and how you act around them."

He moves out the way letting Bonnie in both sitting on the bed now Bonnie was holding the book watching Klaus who had his hands in his hair.

"Well? Get on with it witch."

"Damon and Elijah are your mates, and with having mates you will feel the need to protect them at all cost, you will at some point scent and want to mark them. Meaning you would mate with both of them doesn't matter who's first, luckily with y'all three together no one will be jealous of the other."

"What if I don't want to be with them."

"Klaus you have too."

"Then I'll ignore it."

"Klaus you can't just ignore this."

"Why not?"

"Because if you do your feelings will get stronger and the urge to mark them will too. I mean look what happened when Elena tried to touch Damon three times! You and Elijah basically yelled at her, Elijah was about to kill her when she was going to slap Damon, and just now when she was going to touch him you grabbed her hand yelling at her."

"I'm not doing this."

Bonnie sighs as Klaus gets up leaving to who knows where. After a couple of seconds she gets up off the bed and walks out the room to the others.

She sees Damon and Elijah standing next to each other not saying a word. Elena is with Stefan but you could tell she and Rebekah were exchanging looks that had war written all over it.

Bonnie goes over to Stefan and Elena asking if their ready to go they agree heading out as she goes over to Rebekah giving the book back and over to Damon.


Damon nods following Bonnie but not before glancing back at Elijah seeing the Original eyes connect with his.

¥At Bonnie's House¥

"Bonnie please we have to find a way to break this!"

"Elena I already looked and there's no way too break it."

"Well then look again! I can't have Damon like this!"

"Excuse you? You can't have Damon like this what about us what about Stefan that's his brother! Oh my god I see it now I see why Damon hates you, you don't care about his feelings just yours."

"Bonnie now your against me I thought you were my friend!"

"I am your friend! And to start I was never on your side or against you, Elena I'm your best friend same as Caroline but Damon is also my friend too. I'm sorry Elena that it didn't go your way but there's nothing I can do."

"You have to try!"

"Have to try!? Elena I looked through that book over five times and that's not my book it's Rebekah's and she's a Original! And besides if I found how to break it I wouldn't because of you I would if Damon wanted it gone."

"So there is still a chance that there is a way."

"ELENA! Did you not just hear me!? I said I would because of DAMON if he wanted too, but hate to break it to you there isn't one you can not break a bond!"

Bonnie stomps off going to her room locking it.

¥Mikaelson House¥

"Let me guess came here to stop me from hunting Tyler down?"

"Can I not come visit?"

"You never come to visit unless there's a reason Hayley."

"This painting sucks, this one's sucks

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"This painting sucks, this one's sucks...I like this one what's the history."

"It was where I could out all my emotions as a kid learning getting better then knowing that everything is in my control. The way it looks, the colors, the story everything is mine."

Hayley gets closer to Klaus putting the drink down, Klaus had the urge to step back but thought this may be what he needs.

"You can go or you can stay love your choice."

"I think I might stay~"

Both go for it smashing their lips together separating only to pull each other shirts off. Klaus pushes Hayley against the table laying her on it, hovering over her connecting their hands together kissing on her neck.

Let's just say it was fun for both of them but not for two other people....

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