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The veins slowly go away his eyes and teeth go back to normal, Damon walks up to Elijah and stands in front of him close enough to be in his personal space but not close enough to touch.

"Bad day? Bad century."

Elijah didn't blink but it took his eyes to a second to adjust seeing that Damon wasn't here anymore.


Elijah runs off searching everywhere for Rebekah even their house and the places she loved to go too being her but found nothing. He knew if even HE couldn't find her that she did not want to be found.

He quits looking and heads the opposite way.

Klaus Pov:

I run into the building I and up the stairs and stop in front of the door. I see that the door was open barley grabbing the handle I open it hearing it creek.

I see that the front room was a mess glass was broken the couch was moved it looked a total mess. I walk in slowly walking to the right into the hallway I see the bedroom door open and blood was filling my nose.

There in front of me is Hayley she had a bite on her neck and four bullets two in the chest and two in the legs. I bite into my wrist giving she starts to suck on it and when I felt like she was ok I snatched my wrist away from her mouth.

I help get the bullets out ignoring the tiny sting after they were all out I look at her seeing her look back and smile.

"Thanks for the help Klaus....Klaus?"

I kept staring at her with no emotions then taking her by surprise I grab her by the neck and the other hand in her hair having it in a death grip.

"Don't you ever come near me or my mate's again understood?"

She nods frequently at me I still didn't let go looking her straight in the eye.

"I want you gone by sundown."

I remove my hand from her hair and plunge it into her chest feeling her heart beating in my hand.

"And if I ever see you again I won't hesitate to rip that little heart out."

I pull my hand out seeing blood drip from it my grip on her neck got tighter until I hear a snap and she went limp.

I let go of her body hearing a thud I get up and walk out the door and into the stairway going down it and walk into the night needing to find Elijah then we can find Damon.

I look to the right then left speeding off I end up in the woods knowing a spot Elijah goes to and I hope he is there.


"Hello mate~"

"I do hope that Hayley is ok she seemed to make you happy."

"Yes well that is not the case I told her to leave town and to never come near you or Damon again."

"What had change your mind?"

"Nothing never change my mind I was simply playing emotions had I known it was harming you and Damon I would have not done it."

"Are you playing both our emotions?"

"I would never."

I walk up to him grabbing both his hands making him stand up and in front of me he was trying to hide his emotions but I have known him since a child I can see right through it.

I push him forward by the neck kissing him pulling him closer to me wrapping my arms around him. After sometime we pull back I half smirk saying.

"Should we go find our Salavtore?"


3rd pov:

Both walk off to go find Damon checking the Boarding House and hear nothing but a human's heartbeat owned by Alaric, so they walk away and to the next place Damon would be The Grill.

♡At The Grill♡

"Get away from him!"

Klaus pushes the guy away from THEIR Damon as Elijah stops Damon from moving, why this happen you ask? Well Klaus and Elijah were looking for Damon and see some guy kissing their mate and here we are!

"What's the big deal man!?"

Yelled the guy pushing Klaus back but did no effect Klaus over towers the guy.

"Yeah stop being a dick."

He turns and looks at Damon glaring at him smirking he turns back to the guy and compelled him to fuck off.

"Hey! Fucking buzz kill."

"No you just need to learn that you are ours and ours only."

"I belong to nobody."

"Are you sure about that love?"

"Yes i-"

Damon was pushed to the ground and on his knees eye leveled with both Mikaelson boys well you know.....

"I said are you sure about that love~"

Damon opens his mouth to speak but closes it and looks down and for the first time in centuries Damon was a blushing mess.

'How the hell am I going to get out of this?'

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