Chapter IX - Fight For Love

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Stood there and watched you walk away
From everything we had
But I still mean every word I said to you
He will try to take away my pain
And he just might make me smile
But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

Oh, I'm holding my breath
Won't see you again
Something keeps me holding on to nothing

-Haunted, Taylor Swift


At Hampton Palace....

A knocked on the door startled Anne and she went to the door to see who is the outside the door.

There he is...

Standing with his dead green eyes.

The one who is nagging her mind after their deep conversation.

"Lord Butler." Anne bowed to James as a respect and smile, but she was startled when she saw his gloomy handsome face. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh..Anne..It's James." James tried to smile but he knew he failed. "Can I invite you for a walk, my lady?" James handed his right arm to Anne, which she happily took.

Anne smile, she wouln't mine spending time with James. She felt alive when she's with him. They walked throught the Hampton Palace famous and expensive golden wall and they stopped when they reached the wishing fountain.

The long silence had passed and James Butler said, "Oh. Anne. Why this is too hard?"

Anne's brows creased when she heard the lamentation in his voice. She felt nervous for unknown reason, the only reason she can think of this is about their marriage. What she feared come true.

"Why? What happened?" She asked despite of the strong beating of her heart.

"The King will allow the marriage between us."

"In exchange of what?" Anne knew that Henry will not backdown easily.

"How did you know that there is a trade off?"

"James, King Henry wouldn't bring England to its glory now if he's not clever and cunning."

"The King gave me a choice Anne. He will gave the approval if I surrender half of our land to the Palace."

"A half? That absurd!"

"Yes, a half. That will lower my rank to Baron."

Anne couldn't let James give up his title. She will find another escape from Henry.

"And the King gave me the other choice."

"What is it?"

"If I marry Lady Elizabeth Blount, the King will give me the estate of Windsor family."

"Which will make you a rank higher."

"I will be Marquess of Windsor."

Anne couldn't said any words.

"But you bewitched me Anne, and so the King." James looked at Anne, like he was breathing hardly. He can't accept that he will just give up Anne like this.

"I did not do anything to get the King's attention! I have beseech God to not let us cross path in this life. I wanted to have a sinplier life, James, a life where I can be a wife and mother with a husband loving me, just me." A tear escaped from Anne.

James wiped Anne's tears.

"Just tell me to give up everything, Anne. I'll do it for you." James kissed Anne's forehead. "I can't give you up like this, Anne.. I can't."

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