Chapter XXIII - Who is Edward Tudor?

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Henry and Anne are married for three years and Elizabeth is already two years old.  It was not a perfect marriage but it was a happy one.  Henry showered Anne with gifts everyday with simple love letter or a red rose.  This is Henry's way to help Anne overcome her nightmare, he will everyday remind Anne how she means to him, that his happiness lies with her and their daughter.

At the age of two, Elizabeth is a happy child and independent.  Of course, stubborn like his Anne which always amused Henry.  Yes, Elizabeth looked like Henry but her personality comes from her mother and Henry couldn't be glad more.  He knew that Elizabeth will be a handful.

It was month of May in year 1536 when Anne conceived another child.  There was again the fear and anxiety of birthing another daughter but Henry was there to stay to remind her that he loves their second child whether it is a boy or girl.  As the pregnancy progress, Anne learned how to trust Henry completely.  She managed to overcome her own fears, she knew that it is her battle to conquer and she won against it. She realized that her family won't be truly happy if there's a shadow of fear from their past. The wholeheartedly love and passion was once again renewed with healed scars from the past.  

On 19th of February 1537, Anne give birth to a son, the future King of England.  The first time she saw her son, Anne realized the boy in her vision before her execution is her son. A son almost didn't get to see the world if she married another man.  

Anne realized the date when she conceived and learn that she's with a child.  It was the month of her execution.  She cried with the realization that she was pregnant when she was beheaded. She was carrying a son, the future ruler of England!  This child is the reason why God give her a second chance and she understand it now.

"Wow....This is real, I am carrying my son."  Henry said while carrying their son close to his heart, there was unshed tears in his eyes. "He's so handsome, Anne.  Look at him."  Henry was so fond of his son while the baby sucked his fists.

Anne smiled with the happiness she saw in his husband's face.  This moment is priceless.

"What should we name to our little Prince, My Love?

"Edward." Henry smiled and looked at Anne.  "Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales."


Henry put sleeping Edward on his crib and walked to Anne. 

"You give me so much happiness, Anne.  First you gave me your love and become my wife, then gave me Elizabeth and Edward.  I am absolutely happy, Anne.  Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you, My Beloved Queen."  Henry kissed her passionately and tucked her into sleep.  "Rest, My Love."







When Edward is three years old, Henry decided to officially announce and introduce his heir.  England prepared for the biggest feast in the history.  England will celebrate the birthday of their future king, Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales. Henry invited all the royals in Europe and every monarch in Europe is vying to have marriage alliance with England.  They wanted to marry their son to Princess Elizabeth and their daughter to Prince Edward.

King and Queen of France, Scotland, Netherlands and other European countries brought their most expensive gift to King Henry and Prince Edward, hoping at the end of the feast, they will earn a favor from the King.

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