Chapter XIII - Fate Surprises

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"What did you say?"

"Thea Queen has sweating sickness and Lady Anne Boleyn is the one taking care of the Queen, Your Majesty."

Henry hated the feeling of nervousness and fear for the both woman, the one he once loved and the one keeping him from drowning, his light.

Henry hurriedly went to the Queen's chamber, the fast beating of his heart can be heard. He harshly opened the door, waking up Anne , who is sleeping on the chair with her head on the bed of Queen Catherine.

Her eyes widen realizing that the King is indeed in front of her.  Anne immediately composed herself and greeted Henry.  

"Your Majesty!"

Henry wanted to hug Anne that time, he wants to make sure she is alright.  He wanted to shake her from foolishness of endangering her life and health.  He didn't want to overwhelm Anne so he focused his eyes on Catherine to stop himself to touch and embrace the woman who didn't know how much he is losing his mind right now.  Can't stop himself thinking what if Anne caught the sweating sickness? Will he lose her for good?

"How is the Queen?" Henry knew that his voice come out hard and strong. He needs to control his overwhelming emotions.  As much as he wanted to have his freedom from his marriage to Catherine, he didn't want her to die.  Their daughter, Mary, needs her mother.

''She is now well compare to yesterday, Your Majesty.  The Queen's fever went down and the sweating is now moderate." Anne was surprised with the cold shoulder from Henry.  His voice is cold and hard, it making her uneasy. "Your Majesty, you may get sick if you stay here longer.  I will tell the Queen that you visited her."

Henry didn't reply but stood up and leave.  Before he got out the door, Henry stopped on his tracks and turned into Anne.  His eyes is full of fear, anger, worry and love. He felt like bursting any minute if he didn't let Anne know his feelings.

"What are you thinking, Anne?"

Anne saw the clenching and unclenching of Henry's fist.  Henry have this unconscious habit when he is controlling himself.

"Pardon, Your Majesty?"

"I admire your kindness and braveness to take care of the queen with sweating sickness but you are fool---"

"Your Majesty,  it is my utmost responsibility to take care of the Queen."

"By endangering your life? Anne, you could have it! You can die from it!" Henry went to Anne. "I could lose you."

"Your Majesty, you have to understand as a people of England, we serve the King and Queen, even if means to give up our life." Anne patiently explained to Henry.

"Then take care of yourself, for your King." Henry went closer to Anne, held her two arms as he looked into her black eyes, surrounded by eyebags due to lack of sleep, nevertheless, the most enchanting woman he met. "Listen to me, Anne.  I couldn't rule this goddamn country if I constantly worry of you."

Anne bowed her head, couldn't met his eyes.  If she's going to be honest, her heart is slowing melting for Henry.

"Your Majesty, I am just an ordinary citizen of England. I am not your responsibility and I am not worthy of your thoughts."

Henry released Anne's arms, rubbrd his face of his palm, showing his frustration to the woman who couldn't understand how special she is to him.

"Yes, Anne, you're probably right. You keep rejecting my love. Have you realized how many times I convinced myself that you're just a woman, I could get any and many better woman than her! But this...." Henry pointed hard his chest. "didn't want to listen.  I keeps beating for you. I don't know what to do anymore."

An awkward and uncomfortable silence passed.


Henry looked at Anne, with defeatedly.

"I get it, Anne.  You couldn't love me. You didn't give a damn fuck about me and my feelings.  I give up. You win, Anne." Henry did have a last lingering stare to Anne before he left and the door was shut  hardly.

'You win, Anne.' Henry's last words keep playing in her head.

'Did I really win the batlle for my life and happiness?'

Anne's tears are streaming on her face as her put her hand on her chest.

'But why does it feel empty?'


When morning comes, the Queen woke up feeling a lot better. Anne prepare a soup for Catherine and helped her to take a bath.  Anne was there until the Queen get back on her feet.

"Your Majesty, the King visited you when you are asleep."

"Yes, I heard him."


"I am not the reason why he rushed here." Catherine sadly smile at Anne.  Hearing the her husband worry about Anne made her heart bleeds. "He worries about you, Anne."

"Your Grace..."

"Anne, I know. You don't need to explain, I heard it all.  I was impressed on your self control.  Every woman here in the country will jump to opportunity to become the King's mistress."

Anne stayed quiet.  Catherine breathed deeply.

"I never really like when Henry took mistresses. But if you become my husband's mistress, I approved of you.  You are really something, Anne Boleyn, no wonder why the King was smitten by you."

"Thank you. It's good to hear that, Your Grace.  But I cannot be someone mistress even if it's the King.  I only want to have a simple life, to be someone's wife and mother."

Catherine smiled.  "I judged you quickly, Anne due to the rumors.  I am sorry about that."

Anne just smiled.  She never thought that she and Catherine will have this close conversation.

"My Queen...My Queen...."Isabelle said as she rushed beside Catherine, breathing heavily.

Isabelle also survived the sweating sickness.  She's backed serving the Queen.

"Why are you rushing, Isabelle? That's unladylike to do." Catherine chastised Isabelle's behavior.

"Forgive my, Your Grace, but I heard bad news. It's about the King." Isabelle secretly look at Anne.

Anne could feel something wrong.  She can't explained it.  There's a heaviness in her heart.

A gravely thought plagued her.

'No.  That's impossible.' Anne tried to shake her negative thoughts but failed.

"Tell me, Isabelle. What happened to the King?" Catherine asked, shaking the bad feeling creeping into her.

"The King is ill. The doctor said he has a sweating sickness.  They said if his fever did not come down by sunset, the King may die."

"No...That could not happen..I need him, Mary needs his father, and England needs their King!" Catherine frantically shake her head, rose in her feet and hurriedly went to King's chamber.

Anne was left in the Queen's chamber, as if she was paralyzed by the news.

'No. Henry couldn't die.'

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