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Intending to sprint straight outside of the building once this poorly timed demo was done, I gathered all my things before going upstairs

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Intending to sprint straight outside of the building once this poorly timed demo was done, I gathered all my things before going upstairs. Hopefully, this would allow me to save a few precious minutes.

"I'll keep you posted," I sent Oli, before turning my computer off.

On my way to Lex's office, I crossed a few people leaving for the day. Tamika was one of them, and when she saw me with my things going in the wrong direction, she sent me an inquisitive look. I shrugged my shoulders and kept going for Lex's.

As much as I didn't want to admit it to myself, I was kind of relieved. Dating had never been my forte, and the first dates were the worst of it. I was okay at the relationship thing, but I hated this whole clumsy period where you get to know each other, try to gauge your compatibility and imagine how your joined lives would be... It was almost nightmarish to me.

No! It's great that you are going out with Oli, and you will manage to make it on time, I reminded myself.

Upon reaching the dreaded door, I was reminded that I would meet Alexander. Alone. In his office. Yeah, what could go wrong with that? After mustering the entirety of my courage, I gave it three firm knocks.

"Come in, Andrea," said his low voice. My skin tingled slightly, the tiny hairs on my arms rising vertically. Oh, how I wanted to punch myself. Would I ever get used to this man saying my name?

You are driving me insane, Andrea...

Christ! Could that dream have been any more vivid?

Ignoring my stupid, uncooperative body, I opened the door, resolute to get on with this and finish as early as possible. I pushed the massive panel to reveal the now-familiar office, and quickly spotted the man in the flesh, sitting behind his desk.

I came in, dropped my bag on the couch, only keeping my phone and computer with me. He still hadn't taken his eyes off his screen, and I decided that for once, I wasn't going to wait for his every command. It was Friday evening, I had plans, and it wasn't my fault if he could only receive me now.

"Evening," I said as I approached him. He finally looked up, and his gray eyes found mine with acute precision.

I hadn't interacted with him in over a week, and I was now alone with him, while everyone else had either left or was in the process of doing so. It felt as though I was throwing myself into the belly of the beast.

His massive desk was divided into two sections, one with his computer setup, and another one, almost empty, except for a few decorative objects, with a chair placed in front. I went for the empty half, and sat down on the chair, his eyes following my every movement. This is going to be totally relaxing and fun, I sarcastically thought to myself.

Although he didn't invite me to do so, I settled my laptop before opening it. Unsure how I should start, I stared at a glassed paperweight, trying to find the way to introduce my app to Alexander. When I looked up at him, my earlier resolution wavered. Why did he have to be so intimidating all the time?

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