【25】Lover of the Russian Queen

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While Lex drove, I settled more comfortably, sliding my bag down between my feet

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While Lex drove, I settled more comfortably, sliding my bag down between my feet. It was strange to be so close to him in such a confined space.

Usually, when you're in a car, you have this feeling of being safe, especially when you're driving. That's why you so easily curse and shout at terrible drivers. You're under the impression you're in a safe bubble, protected from the outside world, and no one or nothing can get to you. Despite my abuela's best efforts, I cursed often; but I rarely insulted people. However, while driving, I turned into a spiteful Karen with the mouth of a sailor, coming up with the most creative and blasphemous curses.

Right now, however, I wasn't feeling safe at all. I was stuck into the bubble with the danger, and the outside felt more sure, despite the night falling and the downpour. To add to the discomfort, the silence was a bit awkward, and I wished we could have music or something to not only lighten the mood but also distract me from his very close presence. Given how smart the car was, there had to be some music-on-command functionality. Right?

Feeling bold, I called the AI's name as he'd done for the GPS, and when it answered, I gave her a command with a clear voice. "Play some music, please," I tried, hoping it was an actual thing.

"Resuming current playlist," the feminine electronic voice answered. Oh, no! I thought she would choose something random, but when I understood I would have a glimpse at Lex's tastes in music, the idea somehow made me panic.

No! No, no, no! I didn't want to learn more about the man. As it was, I already knew he was hot as fuck, he was probably the smartest man I'd ever met, he could melt my insides with the sheer intensity of his gaze... I didn't need to have a glimpse into his personal preferences. It seemed like dangerous knowledge right now. It was uncertain how much more I could take before giving up and throwing myself at the man. There was no way I'd allow more information about him to take any more room inside my brain. He already had a place way too substantial in there.

At the same time, another part of me acknowledged that knowing what such a man listened to in his free time was utterly interesting. I hardly imagined him listening to music at all, and knowing he had a running playlist in his car was certainly a surprise.

Well, they did say curiosity killed the cat, but I wasn't a cat in this scenario. Lex was the cat. I was the pathetic little mouse, desperately trying to avoid the fucking cat. Or rather, avoid fucking the cat. Not that the cat would ever be interested in me, anyway.

Wondering how he felt about my bold request for music, I turned toward him. He didn't seem too affected, as a slight grin appeared on his face. It was my first time seeing him really smile, and it made him seem more human, more approachable. "I don't mind. But you might regret your decision. I've been told I have terrible tastes in music."

Oh, this should be interesting...

My curiosity was properly piqued, and when a song started, I focused on finding out what it was. The intro was familiar, but I couldn't place it. When a more pronounced melody started, I recognized the tunes. Was it— No, it couldn't be. A man began to sing, quickly backed up by women, and I bit my lip, struggling to quench a fit of laughter.

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