【71】The Anniversary

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Things weren't fine at all

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Things weren't fine at all.

Lex and I were sticking to our decision to stay apart when at work, and I was slowly losing my mind.

For some reason, I was tense and irritable, and it took me a moment to understand I was sexually frustrated for the first time of my life. It was insane. I had lasted ten entire months without any sex, and now I couldn't even handle five days without it. What had he done to me?

I was now a Lexomaniac, a slex addict. I needed my dose of it before I went insane. If I were being totally honest, I also missed just spending time with the man, just talking and being around him. My addiction wasn't solely focused on the D, but on the whole man.

Work-wise, things slowly returned to normal. The high of the convention wore off, and my old habits with the guys came back. We sometimes had our CS lunch breaks, Lex joining us most times, we debated about video games, movies, shows... It was all very nice, and given the way I couldn't control myself around my lover-boss, it was without a doubt the only option I had.

People were hyped about the incoming party, and as we got closer to it, it became the main topic of discussion. A private company was in charge of organizing it, and we'd get to leave at noon on Friday, so they had the time to set the whole event up. I liked that it was happening right here, and I was excited to see the whole place transformed. Employees could bring up to two guests with them, so the place would be packed.

As amazing as the party sounded, I was even more impatient for what was to come after. I knew Lex was probably as thirsty as I was for some hot action, and we wouldn't miss the opportunity to finally spend some time together after Kelex's anniversary.

When Friday arrived, I was at my most tense, Idris being absolutely not enough anymore. I felt empty, both physically and emotionally, when I used it. I needed my Lex.

We left with Tamika at noon, impatient to get ready and to come back for the party. She was dressing as a female version of Sasha from Pokemon. I already knew she would be cute and hot as hell, while I would look like a creepy dork with my mustache and suspenders.

The afternoon was spent at home, slowly preparing with the TV on, some random reality TV playing in the background. I tried my best to hide that I wasn't only getting ready for the party, but also for the insane amount of sex I would get right after.

Oh God, I couldn't wait.

Because my beauty routine was a massive joke, I was ready to go way earlier than needed, and I paced in the apartment, waiting for Tamika to finish preparing. As intended, I was looking like a real-life Mario, with my overalls, a red long-sleeved sweater, a tool belt for realism, and a fake mustache looking so real I had to send a pic to Kate and my mom. Kate said I was hot, liking the creepy vibe I was sending off, and my mom joked I was five minutes away from luring kids into the back of a van with candies. Tamika was ridiculously gorgeous, and I regretted for an instant not being more feminine. The only thing that comforted me was the fact that my outfit was more comfortable.

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