【44】Trying IRL

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When I came out of the bathroom, all freshened up, my heart was still racing hectically in my chest

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When I came out of the bathroom, all freshened up, my heart was still racing hectically in my chest. I still had no idea if this was a good idea. Lex had moved to his kitchen, and I took a second to enjoy his strong silhouette before joining him there. He'd taken out a bottle of amber liquor and a glass and was sipping on it, his eyes lost somewhere in front of him. Yes, good idea, liquid courage.

My bag was unceremoniously dropped on the couch as I passed it, and I joined Lex in the kitchen. Hearing me approach, he turned and watched me, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. When I reached him, I noticed he'd only taken out one glass, and I didn't want to speak out loud to ask for another one, fearing my voice wouldn't be clear. I took the one he was holding, my eyes locked in his, and brought it up to my mouth, before taking down what was left in it with one gulp.

Even though I wasn't an avid drinker, I'd had my fair share of shots. Whiskey, vodka, tequila, jägerbomb... You name it. However, whatever Lex was drinking wasn't meant to be swallowed in one go, but rather sipped. Soon after the alcohol had passed my esophagus, an intense burning sensation spread in my throat, and the need to cough became almost irrepressible. Because my eyes started watering from the awful sensation, I swiftly turned around to pour another glass. My refusal to cough was successful, and after I'd blinked a few times to chase the tears away, I turned back.

I jumped a little, as I saw Lex had moved much closer. He was now standing near me, his radiating heat warming my skin. His position was leaving me stuck between the kitchen counter and him. This was very intimate, and the boldness of it suggested we were done with the pleasant foreplay. Now, we'd move on to the reason why I was here.

Shit, I needed more amber courage for this. I brought the glass I was still holding to my lips, my eyes lost in the grayness of his. More reasonable this time, I only took a small sip, before moving the beverage away from my mouth. I parted my lips, wanting to say something, but my brain wasn't working any longer. Lex's eyes dropped to my opened mouth, and with a slow gesture, he took the glass from my hand. He brought it up and twisted it so his bottom lip would rest where mine had just been. Gazing at me with intensity, he drank it up and bent, still with slow moves, to put the empty glass on the counter behind me. The glassy sound of it on the cold marble of the kitchen island startled me. I moved back as he leaned forward, our faces only a few inches apart.

His other arm mirrored the position, and I was soon caged in by his domineering position, his hands fisting the edge of the marble top on each side of me. My heart hammered under my ribs, my breath became heavy and fast... I was hypnotized by him, captivated by his intense gaze scanning me, trying to see past my brown irises and into my soul. My entire body tingled, and I knew it had nothing to do with the alcohol I'd just taken, but everything to do with Lex.

He was bending low enough so our faces were almost aligned, and I took this opportunity to detail him. I was so close I could see spots of dark gray in his cold irises. It occurred to me it wasn't fair that a man would be gifted with such lush and long eyelashes, but it wasn't wasted on him. It added to the darkness of his eyes, making him look like a mysterious pirate or a bandit. His cheekbones had probably been chiseled by the gods themselves, giving his face an undeniable charisma. My little inspection then moved down to his lips, so tempting and full. Unexpectedly, his tongue darted out and licked his parted lips, wetting them before retreating. That might have been one of the hottest things I'd ever witnessed.

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