Chapter 16

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"Come on Mia pick up the phone," I said while bouncing my leg up and down

"josh just relax she's probably with one of her friends," Essence said trying to calm me down

"No, she always calls and tells me she's staying," I said dialing her number again

"Joshie I want sissy," Jaylin said

I picked her up placing her on my lap "I know baby girl sissy will be back ok go play with rocky for now" I said

She smiled and jumped off my lap running to rocky

"I promise you she wi-" She was cut off by knocking on the door

I jumped up running to the door and opening to see mia

I sighed in relief and pulled her into a hug as I looked up I saw legend I let her go

"Im gonna fuck you up," I said running towards him but mia grabbed me

"No, please don't hurt him," She said

"If you hurt her I swear to God I will fucking kill you," I said

"Josh chill out, let her explain before you go crazy" Essence said

"You got 5 seconds," I said

"Legend was going thru a rough time and needed  someone to talk to I knew you would be mad anyway so I just stayed with him at a hotel," She said

I chuckled "Imma beat yo ass," I said and lunging at him

Mia grabbed me making me push her causing her to fall and hit her head

"MIA" Legend yelled making me turn to see mia on the floor

"M-my head," She said touching her head

Legend ran to her " It's ok, baby just relax I'm here" He said to her

"It hurts make it s-stop" She cried

"Come on we gotta take her to the hospital," I said

"Essence watch the kids" I yelled

Legend lifted her up and placed her in the car and I drove off...
I ran my hands down my face this is all my fault I always overreact and now mia is in the hospital

"Hey I wanna apologize, this happened cause of me I ain't mean no harm towards you But I don't regret spending the night with her cause if she wasn't there I probably would have done some stupid shit but im sorry," Legend said

I sighed before standing up "Naw no need to be sorry I overreacted Mia ain't been the same since our parents died she started cutting and it hurt to see her in pain im just scared she might fall back into that state again, "I said

Legend had a confused look on his face "She cuts" He said

"Yeah but from what I know she stopped," I said

He nodded and a nurse came out

"Is she ok?" I said eagerly

"Yes she is fine she hit her head pretty hard but lucky she only needed stitches you can see her if you'd like," She said

I and legend made our way into the room where mia was laying down laughing at a cartoon

"Hey mamas," Legend said to her

As her face lit up She hugged him "Hey im here to" I said

She laughed "Hey bro," she said

"How you feel," I said moving her hair out her face

"Im fine just a headache," She said

I sighed before sitting

"Hey don't feel bad this is just a lesson that you have to trust me and stop flipping out every time I talk to a boy," She said

"Yeah imma give yall space but please talk to me before you go out sleeping at hotels," I said

"Does that mean I can stay with legend more often?" She said getting happy

"Aight Now don't get too happy if you gon sleepover wit him Brooklyn or miles has to be wit y'all I ain't about to deal with you having a child," I said

She chuckled "I love you, bro," She said

"I love yo big-headed self to," I said

"Right, her head big as shit," Legend said

Mia sucked her teeth "Fuck both of yall" She said

" It's ok mami I like your head," Legend said kissing her lips

I pulled him back "Aight that's enough," I said

He laughed and then another nurse came in

"She can go home now let me just get her the medicines and y'all are free to go," She said

I nodded

"Whew thank God cause these doctors, get on my damn nerves," Mia said

I chuckled...
Legends pov
"Baby baby baby," Mia said tapping me

"If you tap me one more got damn I'm  going to throw your little ass off the damn bed," I said

She sucked her teeth and got up leaving the room I got up grabbed her making her turn

"Naw get off me you wanna be on the phone go ahead fuck you," She said

"You better relax with all that damn attitude all you had to do was talk to me and tell me to get off the phone," I said

"Whatever let me go," I said

"Naw you gon take yo ass in the room and lay with me," I said

"Who are you talking to I ain't one of ya hoes," She said

"You right you ain't one of my hoes but you ain't finna be mad the whole day now go in the room or I could pick yo ass up and bring you in the room myself," I said

She smiled and went into the room plopping on the bed

"Can y'all shut the hell up wit all that arguing them white ass neighbors next door gon hear yall" Josh said busting into the room

"Spell neighbor," Mia said making me laugh

"Fuck you, "He said

"Get the hell out before I get rocky on yo ass," She said

He flipped her off before walking away I burst into a laughter

"You ain't have to come for him like that," I said

She shrugged and began playing in my hair while humming I felt my eyes close and I instantly fell asleep in her lap...
I'm finna cry only 4 days till school here comes all the damn breakdowns and anxiety🤦🏽‍♀️😔

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