Chapter 27

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Warning: Explicit content if you are uncomfortable with this please stop reading now⚠️⚠️

"Can we go to the mall?" Mia said

"Of course mamas what you finna get," I said

"Just bras underwear and maybe some clothes"

I smirked making her chuckle

"Lil nasty ass"

"Ayy I have the right to imagine my girl in only bra and panties," I said

She got on my lap "Keyword imagine"

"And it's gon stay imagine until your ready," I said

She blushed and got off me making me frown

"You know you never told me your birthday," I said taking a sip of my water

"Its September 10," She said

I instantly spit my water out "That's in 5 days mia"

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock why the fuck would you spit that shit on my floor," She said

I chuckled realizing what I just did but stopped when she smacked me in the back of my head

"What you hit me for"

"Pick this shit up, you just looking at it like it's ass and titties," She said

I sucked my teeth and got up going downstairs to grab a mop

"Why the hell you in my damn house" Josh said

"Ayy don't be mad at me mia let me in," I said

He mugged me before going back to his phone

I grabbed the mop and ran back upstairs to the room

"I got the m-" I stopped for a second

" God damn," I said

She chuckled "Boy go get dressed" She said

I smirked and ,wrapped my arms around her waist

"That's all me," I said

I smacked her ass causing her to jump

"LEGEND" She yelled

I tried holding in my laugh "I did not mean to do it that hard I swear" I said

She flipped me off making me laugh even more...
"Which ones should I get," She said

We were now in a store  that had some sexy ass underwear and bras and I wasn't complaining at all

"How bout this,"I said pointing at a black lace set

" Haha very funny," She said

A couple of seconds later her smile faded with a pissed of expression

I was gonna ask her what was wrong but somebody bumped into me causing me to turn around

"Oh hey legend I didn't even recognize you," Laylani said

I rolled my eyes "Can I help you"

"Yeah you can help me with a lot of things," She said putting her hand on my dick

I quickly pushed her

"I know you see me right here," Mia said

"I don't talk to pussys like you," Laylani said

"Im a pussy but you only manage to bother me when you with 4 other girls," Mia said

"Mia let's just go she ain't worth it," I said

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