Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! This is kind of a short chapter, but a lot happens! I promise I'll update ASAP since this one is only a few pages. Let me know what you think in the comments or vote on the chapter if you like it!

I am looking for stories to read, so if you have any recommendations, please let me know!

Chapter 7

I didn't see or hear about Caleb for two weeks after our 'date', and for that, I was thankful. Of course, the next day Sophia asked me all about it because Marcus had told her, but I was able to play it off without delving how horribly it went at the end. She didn't bring it up again, but I did get a whole earful about how great her sex-life was.

I tried to avoid going out too much, because I knew that I drove the routes Caleb worked on. But of course, I still had to go to and from work, which was like a half hour each way. And every minute of those journeys, I was practically shaking in fear of getting pulled over by him.

Of course my two-week lucky streak couldn't last forever.

When I first saw the flashing lights behind me, I debated not even bothering to pull over. So I drove for a few miles, thinking over my options. I could see clearly that it was Caleb and Marcus in the car, and Caleb didn't look happy. He constantly seemed to be shouting something, every time I checked in the rearview mirror, and Marcus just seemed to be laughing.

I finally realized that if I didn't pull over, it'd only make matters worse for myself. He knew where I worked and where I lived, so it wasn't like I could hide. I figured that I might as well get whatever he wanted over with.

So I pulled the car to the side and got out of the car. I knew he'd want me to step away from the danger of the street, so I walked around to the 'safe' side of the car. I heard his car door slam shut and then the scuffing of his shoes against the pavement. I bit my lip nervously as he approached. I probably should've pulled over as soon as I saw the lights, but whatever. You can't change the past.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He demanded angrily, as soon as he was close enough. I was startled at how pissed he sounded, but I should've expected it after I made him drive for a few extra miles. I mean, I guess he could've given up the chase and left me alone, but who was I kidding?

"Hello? Are you deaf now too?" He snarled. He was right in front of me suddenly, glowering down at me.

"No need to be rude." I muttered. I glanced down at my feet and waited for the scolding I was due for.

"When you see fucking flashing lights behind you, that means you fucking pull over, Red. You don't fucking keep driving until you feel like it!" He snapped, his volume increasing until he was practically shouting at me.

"I'm sorry." I knew that I didn't sound sincere, because I truly didn't mean the apology, but I tried to sound as honest as I could.

"Don't apologize if you're going to have a fucking attitude." I winced a little out of fear, but to be honest, more than anything, I was angry with him. How dare he shout at me when I don't bend to his every will and come at his every beck and call?

"What do you want?" I asked in aggravation. Did he just pull me over to yell at me?

"Don't fucking get snippy with me!" Out of nowhere, his palm slapped against the car next to me, right by my head, so hard that a loud smack echoed through the air. I stepped to the side, just to get some distance, but it really didn't do much.

"You know what, Officer Scott?" I spat his name in disgust just to show precisely what I thought about the way he treated his badge. "You can't just pull people over for no reason, first of all. And no I won't just... stop everything because YOU are bored. I have a life, and I have better things to do than get molested on the side of the street by someone who took an oath to protect me!" I finished my rant and leaned against my car. My breathing was so heavy, I had to take a moment to steady myself. I mean, I was panting so much that I was a little embarrassed. I placed my hand over my chest to see how fast my heart was beating, and it felt like it was going to go right out of my ribcage.

Officer ScottWhere stories live. Discover now