Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I decided to go to Sophia's birthday party. Or, at least stop by, say hi to her, and then leave. That way, I wouldn't have to make up an excuse or anything. I didn't have anything to wear, so of course Sophia lent me a dress. It didn't fit perfectly- it was too tight, but overall I felt good in it.

Except when I imagined what my mother would say. She'd call me a slut, I knew that. Cheap and trashy, too, probably.



I instantly hated how I looked in that dress. I tried to shake the thoughts from my head, but I couldn't. And the only heels I had were the plain black ones I wore to work. I tried to do simple jewelry, like just some silver stud earrings, to downplay the overall sluttiness. I threw on tights to hide my legs and keep me warm from the cold air.

I was completely unsatisfied with how I looked, but I couldn't do anything more about it- so I decided to just leave and avoid any reflective surfaces. I took the tube in to the city because the bar was right next to a station.

The party was already alive and well when I got there. I ran into a very drunk Sophia, who threw herself on me in a hug and then wouldn't get off, so Marcus removed her from me. He also seemed pretty drunk, but at least he was conscious enough to take care of her.

"Go have fun, mingle." He instructed me with a smile as he took his girlfriend to dance. I stood there awkwardly for a moment before heading to the bar and grabbing a drink. I had never had a drink before, so I didn't know what to order. But the bartender recommended a mixed drink, so I just went with that.

I took a sip.

Wow, did that taste good.

"How's it going?" Someone said from beside me. I turned to see an attractive guy, probably in his mid to late twenties, smiling at me.

"Good, you?"

"Great, now that you're here." He answered quickly. "I'm Eric."

"Red." I responded. I had never been hit on before, so I didn't know how to show my disinterest and remain polite. He leaned forward towards me.

"Do you want to go talk somewhere a little more quiet?" He purred. I tried my hardest not to look absolutely repulsed at his forwardness.

"I think I'm good right here. You know, near the bar." I made something up quickly. He laughed at my poor attempt at a joke.

"Ah, a girl after me own heart. So how d'you know Sophia?" He took a step closer to me that seemed almost predatory in nature. I took another big sip of my drink and looked around the party for someone I knew, some way of escaping, but of course I didn't know anyone there.

"We work together." I said curtly. I was trying to send some pretty strong signals that I had no interest in the conversation, but he didn't seem to be picking it up.

"Do you really? That's interesting that she never introduced me to you! You're exactly my type." He took another step towards me, and I officially became concerned.

And then he touched me. He reached a hand out and placed it on my waist. I tried to step back but he squeezed my hip really hard when I did that, so I stayed where I was.

I hated being touched by other people. Especially like that. Especially without my permission.

"Yeah that's so strange. I actually haven't seen her yet," I lied, "I'm going to track her down."

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