Chapter 17

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Here's an early update as a thank you to getting me to a thousand reads! Please vote if you like the story, and leave any comments you have! I'm receptive to constructive criticism if you have any- I'm looking to improve my writing.

Preview: A little bit of dark Caleb is back at the end of the chapter- do you like him or nah?

Chapter 17

We ordered pizza for dinner and stayed on the couch pretty much all day. At seven, I went to go get ready. He graciously let me use his bathroom for as long as I wanted to. When I was done, he took a quick shower while I set up the cake and some other snacks. He had already set up a makeshift bar in the corner.

The first people to arrive were Caleb's sister Emily, and her boyfriend Noah.

"Em, you remember my girlfriend, Red." Caleb said to his sister. Emily's mouth popped open. She looked between me and her brother and then let out a loud squeal.

"RED!" She came over and threw her arms around me. "I'm so happy for you. When did this happen and why doesn't anyone tell me anything?"

"Relax it literally just happened. I had to woo the girl first." Caleb answered for me. Emily still wasn't content with the answer.

"You know, I knew something was going on between you two at Christmas but I didn't say anything in front of Dad. Didn't I say to you that something was going on between these two?" Emily turned to Noah.

"You did say that." He backed up her story. Caleb rolled his eyes.

"So very perceptive." He said sarcastically. Caleb got the four of us drinks and then brought Emily and Noah over to the cake so he could brag about it to them. I blushed and stood off to the side.

"Red, you're bloody brilliant." Emily said at the same time her boyfriend said "Holy fuck, you did all that?"

"Isn't she just wonderful?" Caleb smiled broadly at me.

More people began to filter in shortly after Caleb's sister arrived. Within a half hour, the party was in full swing. Caleb brought me around to meet everyone. He kept introducing me as his girlfriend, and honestly I couldn't really remember anyone's names because I met too many people at once.

I remembered a few people's names. Like the musician friend we had seen perform the night before, Hank, or the blonde haired guy I had met a couple times, Nil. But most people seemed genuinely surprised to meet me and to have Caleb introduce me. There were a couple guys from the station, but for the most part, I had no idea how Caleb knew so many people.

"Have you never had a girlfriend before?" I asked Caleb when we saw Marcus and Sophia and Caleb had told them the news. Both reacted the same way as everyone else, in shock. But Marcus cackled obnoxiously at my question, laughing too hard to give me an answer. I looked up at Caleb, who wasn't looking at me but glaring at his partner.

"No, Red. Caleb's had the opposite problem actually." Sophia answered for Marcus. I saw Caleb shoot her a dirty look but he still said nothing to me. "Anyways, Caleb. I just want to let you know that if you make her cry I will castrate you." Sophia said to him in a voice so sickeningly sweet it made me uncomfortable.

"Keep your pants on, Soph, you know I wouldn't do that." Caleb snapped back at her.

"Wouldn't you?" She raised her eyebrows at him. I decided to intercede whatever this secret, at least secret to me, feud and grabbed Sophia's arm.

"Hey, let's go get some snacks." I said. She let me pull her away a few feet before she started badgering me. How long had we been official? How did he ask me? Did I know he was going to ask? And all that.

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