Chapter 19

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Thank you all so much for the love and support! I have a big chapter coming up- I'm aiming to post it on Tuesday! Drama is stirring!

Chapter 19

Things were back to good for a while. Caleb and I fell into a routine of having lunches during the work week. I even saw his sister and her boyfriend a couple times. It was... nice. I finally felt good in my life and ready to move on to something more. I began to research business classes so I could get a degree.

I didn't tell Caleb about it just yet.

Not that I didn't trust him or anything.

I just wanted to have a plan before I announced anything.

"Hey spacey." I felt a sharp poke in my shoulder. I jumped up and looked over at my assaulter, Sophia, jabbing me with her bony finger and pointed acrylic nails.

"Yes my dear Sophia?" I responded to her in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"You got my invite?" She asked. I stared at her dumbly. "For... my pool party?" She said, her tone raised in a bit of anxiety.

"Oh yeah- I did." I nodded, remembering the frilly invitation, covered in watermelon and flamingo stickers. It sounds tacky but she actually made it look cute and not tacky. I remembered pulling it from the red envelope and smiling at how Sophia-esque the invitation was. I put it on my fridge immediately, but with the craziness of dating Caleb, I had forgotten about it completely.

Guilt gnawed in my stomach.

"And you never responded?"

"Soph, who has a pool party in April... in London?" I shook my head. "You're a crazy person."

"If you actually read the invitation, you brick, then you would know we have an indoor pool." She smirked victoriously. "So you have to come."

"Of course I'll come. Someone has to keep an eye on your parties."

"You're welcome to bring Cal, but I didn't send him his own personal invitation because I knew hat he wouldn't appreciate it like you would. Besides, he and I may have gotten into a little tiff." She shrugged her delicate shoulders.

"Oh no... What happened?" I understood that Sophia and Caleb knew each other through Marcus before I was even considering coming to London. But, it seemed like they got along less now that I was in the picture.

"Well he made a comment about how I was dressing, and you know he always kind of gives me a hard time, but anyways I was in a bad mood that day, and Marcus was like—he laughed at Caleb instead of you know, saying 'knock it off' or something, so I got mad—like really mad—and I snapped at him and he got all defensive and anyways long story short you can bring him, I'm fine with him now but at the time I was sending out invites, he was on my hit list."

I paused for a second.

Had she taken a breath of air in that long drawn out story?

"Ok, I'll invite him."

Cal was super gung-ho on going to the party, even though I told him I'd be ok with stopping by.

"Are you kidding? And miss the chance to see my beautiful, amazingly hot girlfriend in a swimsuit—not a chance, babe." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, but blushed at the idea that he wanted to see me in a bikini. Why did that make my heart flutter in excitement?

And then I remembered—no one could see me in a bikini. Not ever. Especially not Cal. He'd be absolutely repulsed at my gross scarred and discolored skin.

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