Chapter 20

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Ace Kang's POV

I've only known my friend Ethan for a few weeks but he is truly the best.

He doesn't talk much. He is gentle and good in class too.

The girls in class are probably crushing over him. As a friend I am proud. This means I got to be noticed to right?

Then one day while we were walking at the courtyard, we noticed a kid crouching. We approached him and found out he was bleeding. Probably from trying to save that bird, he got crushed by a big branch.

I really don't know what to do but then Ethan told me to stay and look after him.

I told he will leave me behind this kid because he ran. He's so fast.

But I heard him shout help as he was running. I thought why will he go to the high school cafeteria. And I realized it's nearer.

And I felt doom.

Doom at how far we were from the adults yet the image of the building full of adults is ear. Doom at why there aren't anyone at the courtyard besides us.

He was losing so much blood. So I decided to raise his head and apply my handkerchief. I just saw this in TV.

I'm really scared. It felt so long. My handkerchief were so red and even my uniform. I really thought Ethan abandoned me.

Then he came with two high school students. He looked so tired and have a hard time catching his breath. He haven't even properly breathe when he ran again towards the infirmary.
Then I remembered why he was home schooled.

I have weak lungs. I get tired easily, so I just studied in our home with the tutors. One time, I ran and got sick for a week.”

At that rate, I cried.

He is so kind and he never left me and this kid. While I was thinking abandonment, he was just running to save Taras.

“Sister! My friend! His lungs are weak!”

Hearing that, we went to the infirmary. We didn't see Ethan there. Just the mister and Taras. He said Ethan left to do something.

Then we heard the announcement and the nurse and doctor came.

I was so happy. Ethan is so amazing! I want to be like him in the future! I want to be strong like him!

Then another student came, he is carrying an unconscious student that is trying to breathe so fast.

It was Ethan.

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