Chapter 31

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I was expecting Mr. Robert to look awful with those gaudy medieval kings' attire.

But I was wrong.

He is wearing a military outfit. I bet mother designed it. I saw her drew it before, I even thought Dad will wear it.

Then he and his wife stepped aside and showed their daughter.



I forgot what I was supposed to say!!

She's so adorably beautiful in her dress. I thought she'll wear something as silly as a frilly dress, but she got a dress that's lustrous. It's pink and doesn't have much designs except for a flower in her belt at the waist. It may have a few designs only, but it can't be called simple. It's so beautiful, one look at it and the word ‘rose’ comes to mind.

The orchestra they hired started to play a music.

She danced first with her father. She looked so happy and her father looked so happy too.

They look like a picture from a story book.

Then the song ended.

This time, other people can dance on and they can invite her too.

Some people started to invite their own partners, I saw Miss Anne and Harold. They looked striking, especially Miss Anne, she's so pretty now. It's been two years since I last saw her. They're college students now.

I also noticed how Mr. Robert glares at those who try to invite her daughter, even her classmates. Lady Erica noticed this and smacked him in the head and pulled him away.

Then I noticed how she suddenly stared at someone who asked her to dance.

It was Richard Henney.

It seems that the plot progressed earlier than expected. Though I think she doesn't know he's her fiance. They'll probably be formally introduced when she's 8 yrs. old.

She shyly took his hands and nodded. She's blushing.


I'm so glad I got to see her happy, especially with the man she likes. Though after knowing they're engaged because of their parents, she'll dislike him. It's only temporary because when she's 12, she'll fall in love with him after seeing him for the first time after 4 years. Richard never visited her again after they were first introduced to each other. Laeticia was able to see him after skipping some grades and became a second year high school student. Richard was 15 then and a third year. ( There are 4 grade levels in the junior high school division and 2 years for senior high school)

Talk about being so smart. She wasted her high specs attributes when she bullied the heroine though due to blinded jealousy.

I look at the scene before me. They looked perfectly matched. Richard with his prince attire, blond hair and blue eyes and she, in her princess dress with platinum blonde hair and green eyes.

But I noticed it.

How Richard looked bored.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross seemed to notice his expression too. Their expressions darkened.

Laeticia seemed to notice too and felt sad. She's so flustered that she misstep.

Oh please, no.

This is the start of her hatred to Richard as I recognized this scene in the novel. It's just a short line:

'Laeticia certainly loved Richard. But she also hated him...and it started when he didn't catch her when she fell in their first dance.'

I Am The Novel's VillainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz