Chapter 50

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Why won't my tears stop from falling?

“Are you crying?” Ethan asked.

Somehow, he sounded so worried.

“I caused this, I'm so sorry Laeticia. I should have given a proper explantion to the media. But I suck at public speaking! Aaa!” He suddenly panicked.

I never expected him to sound so agitated and that shout....

I unconsciously laughed.

I know that if he talked, his family's business will suffer. We still don't know who started all of this, but it seems Sir Oliver knew because he somehow lessened the damage...even though just a little bit.

Plus, I know Ethan kept a very low profile in the business world. Suddenly exposing himself to the public for my sake makes me feel bad for him. I completely understand where he's coming.

“Why are you laughing?! This is not funny! No, wait..isn't this better than crying..wait, what? Aaa!! I'm so sorry!” He continued to stutter.

I never expected him to lose composure because of me.

Somehow, I felt happy with that thought.

“T-thank you. I really don't know what to do...I just make everything hard for my family. I h-hate being so weak.” I managed to say even though my throat and nose are pretty clogged now due to crying.

He suddenly went quiet.

“Laeticia, everything's going to be fine. You, admitting your weakness, is already an admirable thing. You're going to be fine.” He told me in a gentle voice.

“Just treat this...whatever's happening to you right now, as an experience to grow.”

With a gentle voice, he softly said those words to me.

I've heard those words so many times from my friends and family ever since this issue happened.

But...his response reassured me a lot.

The tears started to fall again.

Aaa!! I have to say something!! But why can't I stop all of these emotions bursting out?

“I-I'm so sorry. I don't want to occupy your time. I'll say goodbye now.”

After that, he hang up.

I wasn't able to properly thank him.

Thank you, Ethan. I'll start to fix this mess now.


Ethan's POV


That's the first and longest time I talked to her again.

Ever since 6 years ago..

I couldn't bear to talk for another minute while hearing her cry!! AAAA!!

Plus..remembering the words I said to her...


AaaAaaa!! So embarrassing!! STOP REMEMBERING AAA!!!

After calming myself down. I started to think again.

Neil Langerak sure is taking his sweet time. Did he doubt me when I called him?


But only him and the syndicate knew about their should have shaken his composure up.

Well, if he does not believe me, I can give a tip to the police about a certain location where they held illegal auctions of selling drugs and stolen goods. We got this information from the actress that Pete got in contact with.

I Am The Novel's VillainOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant