Chapter 5 Flitter

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~~~ Ray and Flitter

Ray had been there for several days when Flitter decided she wanted to visit the lounge again. He didn't have any complaints about it since he loved the view of hyperspace. The ship had since left earth to continue her mission. Now, he had accepted Vyra's request the ship had since left the orbit around Earth and headed to the next stop. Where it was he didn't know and at the moment didn't care. He loved the view of both hyperspace and space in general.

He was still dealing with the sudden change in his medical status and the myriad emotions caused by the healing. Eventually he was sure he would start to interact more with the ship as a temporary crew member. For now, he was settling for letting his brain try and come to terms with all the changes, "Lounge huh? Getting ready to pimp me out again huh?" He quirked an eyebrow at her.

Flitter looked offended, "I resemble that remark silly human." She finally wrinkled her muzzle at him and hooked his arm with hers, "I haven't heard of any complaints from you so far." She leaned against him lightly and gave his arm an extra squeeze, "I know you are still having some issues with being healed but you will come to terms with it."

He briefly leaned his head against hers before standing up right again, "I have been trying to keep them to a minimum since it is rather hard to complain about being saved." He gave her a wry smile since he had been rather emotionally chaotic, "With your help I am sure I will. Talking to you has helped though it is going to take some time." Ray sighed and then grinned at her, "Well let's find my next victim, I mean willing female."

Flitter snorted at him and nipped his earlobe for the bad comment, "I might have to hook you up with someone who just lays there and sweats..." She knew who she was going to hook him up with next and felt it would be a good pairing, "I couldn't do it since I would be in the room and I know you would complain."

Ray growled at her for the nip but didn't say anything since he had deserved it. When she mentioned hooking him up with a cold fish he shuddered, "Thanks for deciding not to. I don't know what I would do or be able to do with someone like that." He returned the favor and nipped her ear lightly as well.

She barked at him and wrinkled her muzzle again. His sense of humor was slowly growing as he was coming to terms with what had been done to him. It was good but also bad as far as she was concerned. Good since it showed he was starting to come to terms with his emotions. Bad since he had a horrible sense of humor.

When they finally walked into the lounge Flitter was pleased to see Dusty in there. Even better she was sitting on the lounge Ray enjoyed so much, *Ray I would like to introduce you to a rather nice young lady. She is having a rough time since this is her first heat away from home and she missed her brother's whelping.*

Ray contemplated it and gave her a slight nod, *So be gentle, quiet, and settle for some comfort if nothing else. I think I would enjoy relaxing with her. I have been having fun but want to relax for a few.* The two ladies he had been with had both been very enjoyable. The Captain had been busy taking care of the ship and the other female had been nice but once they had woken up she had left. It had miffed him until Flitter had informed him it was the way many of the females had been raised. There were so few males spending more than a certain amount of time was discouraged unless they were a mate.

She slowly moved across the lounge and paused to greet a number of the females. Some Ray had met but others he hadn't, and she wanted him to have as much interaction as possible, *Correct and I think it would be good for you as well. Simply say hello, ask to see the baby pictures she has if the subject comes up, and relax. See how she reacts to your attention and just enjoy the company.* "Hello Dusty how are you doing?" Flitter leaned over and gave her a good hug, "This is Ray, our sex slave, I mean paid sex toy."

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