Chapter 6 - The Liraque talk to the Captain

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~~~ Aqua and Daisy talk to Vyra

By the end of the third week things had pretty much calmed down for Ray. He had the basic functions of the implant and ship suit down. He wasn't going to win any trophies for his skills, but he could access the most common features and functions of the implant without an issue. On the suit he could call up the helmet and gloves in case of emergency. He had learned to use a number of handy tools as well. He had even figured out how to cause it to change forms as well. The colors were locked in though he could change how they were displayed.

He was also definitely starting to make friends amongst the crew as well. In the lounges he and Flitter were frequently seen with Birdy and her girlfriend Gentle Wind who went by Breezy. Breezy was a very quiet girl who was about the same age as Ray was. Then again Birdy was about his age as well, so they got along pretty well.

At other times they were seen with Spike and Aqua as well as Vyra and Daisy. It wasn't saying they were the only ones, but it was obvious they were all friends. Ray had made a point of letting the women he spent the night with know if they wanted to talk as long as he wasn't busy he didn't mind at all. He had also asked them to spread it around as well.

Few people would talk about the other humans which had been aboard this and the other ships who visited earth which bothered him. Part of it he assumed was for privacy for the men but once in a rare blue moon he heard snippets of conversations indicating not all were nice. Due to this Ray was going to make as good impression on as many people as possible.

Ray figured it could be done by listening and talking to whoever wanted or needed to. When the women came to his room he did his best to pay attention to them as well including showering with them, bathing with them, and even massages. Ray spent a great deal of time talking to Flitter and learning little things he could do for the women on the crew as he spent time with him.

This hadn't gone un-noticed by the senior staff and especially by Aqua and Daisy. They were the two senior Liraque aboard and they were very impressed with what Ray was doing. Ray didn't realize they were paying such close attention to his actions. Aqua and Daisy had made a point of informing certain people about it. The important point they had made was to not tell either Ray or Flitter.

Though he didn't realize it Ray was acting as a contract Liraque. A contract Liraque unlike a regular Liraque didn't have a specific client. They were hired by companies, hospitals, and parts of the government. Once hired they would do pretty much what he did minus the expectation of sleeping with the staff.

They comforted, laughed with, checked the mental and emotional feel of a location, and reported their findings to their employers. This was done to help ensure the staff was happy and content which increased productivity and reduced friction.

Aqua had made an appointment with the Captain via Daisy for a lunch with her. When she showed up, the door opened even before she dinged. She gave Daisy a wry glance and got one back. It was very hard to catch a Liraque off guard. It was especially true aboard a ship with the lovely nanotech incorporated in it, "Please come in Still Waters. The Captain is waiting for you. I told her we would inform her of what the meeting was once you had arrived."

From inside the Captains suite Vyra called out, "Yes and said Captain is starving so get your tail in here and plant said tail in a chair, so I can eat. My darn Liraque won't let me eat until you are seated and ready." There was definite amusement in her voice when she said that.

Still Waters walked in and over to Vyra and gave her a hug and a peck on the end of her muzzle, "Poor put on little pup." She turned to Spring Flower and grinned, "You have some gruel for her right? We don't want her to starve to death."

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