Chapter 10 - Flitter comes back

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~~~ Ray is found

Once he had been sent to sleep on the ship, Spike partially disabled the implant. Ray was taken to the transport room and returned to the surface. Since they wanted him to be found fairly quickly they placed him on a bench in a park near to a hospital. Once he was there a call was placed to 911 to report an unconscious person.

Gentle had been tasked with keeping an eye on him until the emergency crew arrived. Since they didn't want her to be seen she had a stealth shield on and stood in the darkness under a tree. She was feeling pretty upset at the moment since she was going to miss him. It was also because Flitter had been heart broken when he had been sent back. She had asked to see her but both Daisy and Aqua indicated now was not a good time.

When an ambulance and a police car pulled up she contacted the ship and requested to be returned. Several minutes later she was brought back on board and with a slight nod to the medical staff she left the transport room and headed to the lounge. In there she found several of Ray's close friends and settled down with them. She needed the comfort from them which they understood.

~~~ Taken to the hospital

When the police car pulled up they climbed out and checked on the person on the bench. While they were doing that an ambulance pulled up and the EMT's hopped out and took over. One of the police officers had found the man's wallet and called it in, "Dispatch I have a Rayfuso Johnson at this location. He is unconscious right now and the EMT's are checking him. Check for wants and warrants."

While he was waiting he was starting to document the scene. From what he could tell it didn't appear to be a mugging since there wasn't any blood or injuries. Just a few moments later the dispatcher called back, "Be advised no wants or warrants but he is listed as a missing person. Accompany to the hospital and keep us advised."

The officer acknowledged the instructions and waited for the person to be packaged for transport. Once done he followed the ambulance to the hospital.

~~~ Simon informed about Ray

Simon had been at home in bed when his phone rang. With a grunt he rolled over and answered it and hoped the call was an easy one. Since he handled the large animal side of the clinic he was used to calls at odd times of the night, "Dr. Simon, what is the emergency?" It only took a few moments before he sat up in shock, "I will be there as soon as I can."

He considered calling Ray's family but decided not to until he had more information on what was going on. Being honest he didn't want to be the one to give them bad information if there was something wrong with Ray.

After jerking his clothes on and grabbing his keys he hurried out to his car and climbed in. As he was pulling out he called Gloria to let her know Ray had been found. Simon let her know he was going to the hospital and would keep her updated on what was going on. He really hoped the young man was healthy and whole. Simon really wanted to know what had happened to Ray.

~~~ Ray talks with Simon

When Ray woke it was slow but didn't take too long. He opened his eyes he had to groan since he was in the hospital again, "Damn it I hate this." The last thing he remembered was passing out and he had to wonder what the doctor would have to say this time. His musings were interrupted when Simon, the senior vet at the practice came over.

"Hello Ray and how are you feeling?" He settled on one of the stools next to the bed and smiled at the young man, "We were really worried about you. What is the last thing you remember?" All they knew was Ray had vanished about two months ago after working on the filly's knee.

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