Chapter 8 - Gentle

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~~~ Ray and his cards

One thing Ray had done was to get a pack of cards made since he wasn't going to sit around his room all day and watch videos and listen to music. He wanted the crew to have access to him to talk and relax as well as set up appointments. It was only a few more weeks until his time was over and by god he was going to enjoy all the company he could get. At the moment Flitter was doing some reports she needed to do while he played.

What he found amusing was she was using a tablet and stylus for whatever she was doing instead of the implant. Since it didn't concern him, he hoped, he was politely ignoring what she was doing and was muttering at a game of solitaire. He was quickly losing which was annoying since he had lost the last ten games as well. Normally he did better than that, "These damn cards are cursed Flitter. What did you do to them this morning?"

She snorted at him and kept doing what she was. Flitter did glance up at him with an amused expression as he muttered at her. With another grin she looked back at the tablet. What he didn't realize was she was sketching, and he was her subject at the moment. It was something she enjoyed doing and it gave her a better feel for her clients when she could sketch when they weren't looking. In this case it was so she would have more memories of Ray when he was gone.

Ray finally growled at the game and pulled all the cards towards him and started flipping them same side down. As he was doing it he felt a presence and looked up. When he looked up he kept looking up and realized he was looking at one of the tallest women he had seen on board. It was all he could do not to gawk at her. She was good looking but extremely ripped. His first reaction was Doberman since it was what her coloration and build looked like.

"Hello there, would you like to sit down? I think I have seen you around but haven't had a chance to say hello." He gave her a good smile when he sensed she was about to turn and leave, "Please do join us. I am about ready to play a game of toss the cards away or 52 card pickup." He ignored the wry look Flitter gave him.

Dark Song hesitated when he invited her to sit down. To be honest she wasn't sure why she had come over other than she had been really curious as to what he was doing with the little flat pieces of paper. She had guessed it was a game but had never seen anything like it before. His muttering had been rather cute as well as when he was cussing at the cards, "Um, I just was curious as to what you were doing. I didn't mean to intrude."

Ray snorted, "I am glad you did, or I might have started tearing these into little pieces which would have been annoying. I would have lasted maybe two days before I had to order a new set." He waved to the seat across from him, "Seriously have a seat and relax. Would you like something to drink?" He took a sip of his coffee as he contemplated the woman.

To be honest she made him feel tiny since she was easily a foot taller than he was and far more massive. She wasn't the type he would normally get into, but she was attractive and well-proportioned for her size. When she finally sat down he could sense the hesitation in her and wondered what the cause was, "I am sure you know but my name is Ray, and this is my Liraque Flitter."

Flitter looked up from the new sketch she was doing and gave her a warm smile, "I'm glad you finally decided to come over and say hello." She had been getting some distressing feelings from the girl. Being a Liraque she had to stay back and let people come to her except in extreme cases.

"I am pleased to meet you Pack Father Ray and Liraque Flitter." She honestly wasn't sure how to address them though others seemed to use their use names. Dark Song had been raised differently and her mother was very formal and distant.

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