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(n.) individual destiny; fate

Two days had gone by since the four of us watched the movie, I hadn't really talked to any of them during these days, not even Lilly. It wasn't even because I was mad at them, they didn't know any better, but I was frustrated by the fact that I couldn't tell them. If I ever tried to explain what a true Aurelia was, they'd suspect me of being her, of being that monstrous interpretation of an Aurelia. My heart was beating out of my chest every time they mentioned her, which was quite often I must add. It had turned into an obsession for them. 

Sitting here by the kitchen island, I tried not to get overwhelmed by the thoughts swarming through my mind. These people had somehow wiggled themselves into my consciousness, especially Lilly. It's honestly terrible, feeling like this and being like this. Sometimes I wished to be a normal werewolf, but then again, I really did love my wolf, she was strong and beautiful. 

"Hey Aspen, we were wondering if you'd like to go for a run with our wolves today? You haven't really seen the premises yet." Balto asked as he entered the kitchen. 

'Yes' My wolf agreed. 

Smiling at him I shook my head, "I'm not feeling up for it today, but I hope you have a good run." 

His eyebrows pulled together in a deep frown, "Oh okay, well I could only hope. You sure though?"

"Yes, Balto. She just said so." Arrax suddenly stated, coming up from behind me, my body reacting to his presence immediately. His scent reached my nose and took over my entire mind, it was insane how addicted I'd gotten when I didn't necessarily like him. 

Balto smirked at his Alpha, a dare in his eyes, "So now you and I can talk about her, huh?" It wasn't normal for a Beta to challenge his Alpha like this, but for some reason, I felt as if Balto knew exactly what he was doing. This had been his plan all along, to get a reaction from Arrax so he'd finally talk about me. 

Without looking at Arrax, I could feel the heat radiating off him in waves, he was obviously annoyed at Balto. "I've told you countless times that she isn't a matter to discuss." His sharp voice made it known that he'd used his Alpha voice on him. Already? That most definitely was abusing your power. Balto bowed his head at Arrax and I couldn't deal with it, I'd promised Lilly not to yell from the start, but I had to react somehow. 

Turning around in my chair, my eyes met the ones of a very angry Alpha, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Balto, leave." He ordered making Balto run out of the kitchen, his ragged breathing was dramatic and it was kind of shocking how mad he was, "I'm showing him his place, he's asked too many questions and no one questions the Alpha."

Smirking, I stood up in front of him, "Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Arrax. In fact I'm doing exactly that at the moment, now answer me, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

His rage grew by the second as a snarl was threatening to form on his lips, "I don't have to explain myself to you." 

Laughing mockingly at him, "I see, throwing my own words in my face. Well okay, I guess I'm a big girl." My expression changed in a matter of seconds as my finger pushed rudely into his chest, "Just know, Arrax, being an Alpha and telling your Beta his place is not the same as being an Alpha and abusing your power. Do you think his questions are out of line? You think he needs to stand down? Then teach him. Be a real man and tell him how things are, don't manipulate his soul. It's pathetic and quite frankly, it's weak."

His snarl was now apparent as he grabbed my wrist roughly, removing my finger from his chest and keeping my hand in place between us. My breath hitched as I looked at his skin on my wrist, the tingles so harsh it was almost painful. We hadn't allowed any touching between us, this was too much, each of his fingers digging into my wrist. Getting turned on by the thought of what he could do to me with those exact fingers. We were made for each other and it really was hard ignoring the bond of a soulmate. 

My widened eyes found his, they weren't his usual brown anymore, black had taken over and it was shining lustfully in his gaze. The sensations were insane, I wanted to give into him, wanted him to take it from me. We'd just argued seconds ago, but all was forgotten as I wanted nothing more than his hands on me. 

Letting my gazing fall on his full lips, I lightly bit my own. His tongue quickly hydrated his lips, making my stomach clench in need for him. Grip loosened on my wrist, his hands found my hips, as his broad frame towered over mine. The kitchen island pressing into my lower back, a feeling of being caged overtaking my overwhelmed senses.

Arrax closed in on me, his lips finding my neck and leaving small kisses along my collarbones, when his talented lips reached where he'd mark me, my body flew forward into his. The goosebumps erupted all over my body, and my labored breathing was so incredibly loud. 

"You're too fucking sexy, Aspen." He whispered against my skin, making me throw my head backwards in lustful appreciation. His hand caressed my jaw, while his lips were attacking my neck. So bittersweet. When his warmth left my neck, my eyes opened on instinct, seeing him right in front of me with a lustful glint in his eyes. The caress on my cheek distracting me, as his lips neared mine so painfully slow. Our lips grazed each other, my mind was going haywire with scenarios of where this might end up. 

My brows furrowed on instinct when he still hadn't given me that last movement, that last push before we finally would have our kiss. 

"Tell me how much you want it, Aspen." His lips whispered against mine, his warm breath driving me absolutely crazy. "You beg for me, right?"

His words ripped me out of my trance, filling every fiber of me with boiling rage. My hands pushed at his chest and managed to force him a step backwards, his shocked eyes met my angry ones. The mood had shifted completely, how could I have been so stupid anyway? If I mated with him, he'd be able to smell the real me. Mating with him was the equivalent to my death. 

Instead I gave him the iciest glare I could muster, "I don't fucking beg."

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