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Finals were rolling around, and you were beyond stressed. You sat on your bed, palms resting on your eyes as you used your fingers to try and decrease the stress you were having. You were so off the planet, in your own pool of stress, that you hadn't realised that y/bf had shown up and was sitting on the end of your bed.


I watched as y/n sat on her/his bed, hands covering her/his eyes, fingers massaging her/his scalp. her/his were posted, making them look even more kissable. Watching him/her sigh a few more times before I leaned in and placed a gentle peck on her/his pouted lips, carefully pulling her hands from her/his eyes showing her/his perfect ( your eye colour) eyes. Pulling away, I let her/his eyes bore into mine as if opening up my soul. Suddenly, I see a small smile grace her lips, causing me to smile - because I was the reason behind that smile.


Wrote this because sport was cancelled and we had two hours of study

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