35. Reduced to ashes

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Dedicated to nilmanidey Thank you for being a consistent reader. I am indeed indebted to you for the detailed review that you cared to share with me. Thank you fellow bengali😊

"Fire can either cleanse all remnants of your past and help you rise stronger or can burn you down forever. It is up to you what you do with the fire... Conquer it or submit to its rage."


Indrayan's pov:

Can anything be more twisted than this?
We thought we would find Anya here... But there are more troublemakers on the run. There is at least another person inside the factory right now and there is someone in the electrical room who is trying to set this factory ablaze.

I called the police immediately after I caught some movement near the factory's electrical room. Sampurnaa was unaware then.
She noticed much later and would have given our presence away to the intruder had I not stopped her in time. She seemed to be panicked. I held her hand and assured her that the police would be along soon and she tried to regain her composure.

It was past 5 minutes since we both had decided to stand silently. Sampurnaa was growing restless. She would turn every 30 seconds and ask me the same question, "We should try and go closer. Why aren't we?"

I decided to ignore her after a while.
I could sense her glare on me every time she addressed me and I chose to keep mum.
A sudden noise caught our attention. It was a fairly loud noise which sounded like a controlled explosion.
The electrical room which had earlier been smoking, burst into flames in mere moments and the dark night sky lit up with the red, yellow and orange sparks from the fire.

The factory door opened and Sampurnaa and I hid ourselves.
She was shivering a bit at the sight of fire. To be honest, I was shaken too.

We both were silent and still as we observed the scene unfold in front of our eyes.

Two women and three men walked out of the door and walked towards the electrical unit.
The fire was raging and soon a part of the factory also caught fire.

Where the hell had the police and fire brigade gone?

Meanwhile the occupants of the deserted building had grabbed fire extinguishers from somewhere and were trying to put out the fire.

Sampurnaa was about to run towards them when I caught her hand and stopped her from doing something like that.
She looked at me angrily, "aamay jete daao!( let me go!) We've been waiting for the police for a long time! Do we wait for everything to get reduced to ashes?"

I shook my head. She still looked angry.

She tried to free her hand from my grip and I could read her intentions. I am sure she was thinking of going and catching the criminals.... But this is not a god damn movie for God's sake! They can harm her physically!

She was continuously muttering under her breath... After 10 minutes, I totally lost it!

"Shut up! And stop moving! You think we both can combat these people? What if they have weapons or arms? We don't even know who they are or what they are here for!! Just stop being stupid! This is not a Bollywood movie!"

Just as I let go of all the bundled up anger, a distant siren from a fire brigade truck fell on our ears. Help had decided to arrive... Late!


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