47. Joining dots

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"At the end of the day, if the picture is clear.... Then you've succeeded in joining the dots"


12th November

Sampurnaa's pov:

I woke up to a serene morning today. The sky was pretty clear and there was mild mist in the morning air.
It was 6 a.m.
Maa, Baba, Boudi and Dada are really busy with the wedding arrangements. Dida is supposed to arrive today in the evening along with Indrayan and Boudi's maternal uncle and his family. There are 16 days to the wedding and two weeks for everything to begin.
Baba has been becoming emotional and sentimental. He's begun calling me everyday at least 3 times while I am at work. Dada has been waiting till late night, for me and Maa has begun cooking my favourite dishes! They are behaving like I am going to a different country or planet, whereas in reality, I will be in the same city, just a few miles away from home. It really seems like they are bidding me adieu for good! Boudi is pretty much practical about such things since she has experienced this herself. She got me a book to read, "Chicken Soup for the Indian Bride's Soul"

I have taken out sometime in order to read the stories written by several women who have been in my shoes before.
I have been working relentlessly without an off for 3 weeks now! Maa wants me to take at least one day off a week before the wedding. She wants me to go to the salon and relax and prep myself.
I asked senior if I could take the leave and he agreed. I have sent my wedding cards to several school friends, especially Priyanka. She has promised to be at my house from the 26th so she can help with everything.
My things are going to be shifted this week. Apparently, aunty is redecorating and renovating the room there. My stuff have been packed by maa and there are boxes ready to be moved. Honestly, I am feeling a bit anxious.

Everything seems to be so fast. To be fair, I know I can manage without my parents because I have already spent 5 years outside home, abroad. I know I will get to meet them and that the new place where I would be shifting will be no less than a home for me with Aunty and Uncle around. What scares me though is the word 'marriage'. I am nervous that things won't work out well, I am scared that I wouldn't be able to balance things. What if we end up misunderstanding one another? What if...

I was so deeply engrossed in my thoughts that I failed to notice Boudi who was standing right behind me. She put an arm around me, pulling me into a comforting embrace.
"Some what ifs don't get answered unless you face the situation up front. What is bothering you is common to all brides, Sampurnaa. Sometimes you need to close your eyes and jump not fearing the outcome. There are several things that could go wrong but innumerable things that could go right! Close your eyes, trust yourself and jump into it! God forbid, if anything goes wrong then you will definitely find something to hold on to! But yes, if you never try... Then you can never succeed... Even failure is a trial! And yes, my brother is a really good man, Sampurnaa. He isn't like the men who you have been hearing of ever since you got involved with the case!" she explained me softly while holding me tight.

I nodded and absorbed her words.

She continued, "The fears that you hold in your heart; suppressed have to be expressed. Speak to him once, right after marriage or now. It will make things better and easier for you! Always remember, no relationship can last without the glue called love and communication. Love will grow only and only if you are transparent and well versed in communication."

I nodded and hugged her.
"Thank you" I told her genuinely.
She smiled and then said teasingly, "Now I guess I'll have to start calling you Boudi."

I made a face.
"No! That will make me sound very old!"


14th November

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