temporarily homed

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kiras pov

i grab my book and place it in the bottom of the bag while pushing my hair aggressivly behind my ears

'going somewhere?' a voice says i turn around and see kol standing there with his stupid smug face holding my blouse i walk over and snatch it out of his hand walking back over to my bag  and stuffing it in the bag and zipping it in

i can feel kols glare on me 'oh shove off kol' i say annoyed as i swing the bag on my shoulder and walk towards him

'what i didnt say anything' he laughs

'you didnt have to' i say as i continue forwards he grabs my arm

'kol let go of my arm now' i demand he just smiles at me 'kol i mean it' i say he smirks

'so do i' i try to punch him to get out but he clearly antisipates this move and lifts my arm up and sends me reeling backwards i land with a thump on the floor crashing into my draws as hope comes to the door looking at kol and me

'whats going on uncle kol?' she asks he speaks while staring at me

'nothing darling here' he says handing her money 'why dont you and aunt rebekah go out for icecream my treat' she takes it and smiles confused as she leaves the room closing the door behind her

i stand up throwing the pieces of papers that fell on me and rush to his face as he pushes me back again resulting on me falling on my ass again i spin around and glare my teeth at him as my eyes shoot with pain i winse back in pain and fall to the floor as kol slowly walks over he grabs my arm as i shove him off

'i heard what happend' he says i wrap my arms around my knees

'yeah well i know where im not wanted' i huff he sighs mirroring my position

'it wasnt like that' he says i shake my head

' i know what rejection is.. i dealt with it for a millenium in a tomb remeber' he clenches his jaw

'kira rebekah wasnt rejecting you,you didnt let her explain she was saying that its not safe for any of us and was suggesting we move to hopes childhood home' i look at him

'thats not the point kol' i say he sits facing me now

'then what is it kira talk to me' i sigh

'im putting everyone in danger the longer i stay here you,davina,josh,elijah,kalus,rebekah,marcel even hope i  came here to fix a problem and all i did was make it worse' i say rubbing the tear from my eye

'no you didnt yes its a set back but well solve it as a family' he says i jump up and grab the bag and walk to the door kol appears infront of me 'where you gonna go hmm on the streets..' i sigh

'if i have to'

'what to get attacked by the followers hmm what good are you to us dead what good are you to hope?' i shake my head

'get out of my way!' i scream he shakes his head

'i cant do that kira' he says  i try to push him but he doesnt move he just wrapps his arms around my arms that are flying everywhere he strokes my hair and hugs me tight after a while when ive calmed down he grabs my bag of me

'come on then if you honestly believe that if you go hope will be safe then lets go' he says i look at him confused

'where?' i say he smiles

'with me and davina'.

'kol is that you?'davinas voice shouts

'yeah im back darling' kol says he hands me my bag as i follow him into the kitchen to see davina slicing vegetables kol comes beside her and wrapps his arms around her waist kissing  her cheek 

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu