Alaric saltzman

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I walk over to Hope with two burgers fries and a milkshake to share

i see her sitting on the grass  hugging her knees i place the tray down sitting down next her as she looks down at her feet

'Come on i cant talk and be all auntie like if your not eating food makes me talk more emotionally' i say 'Please help me unfreeze my frozen heart Anna' i say as she smirks looking at me

'You watched frozen' she says as i shrug

'Luke wouldn't shut up until i watched it he made me magic up ice for the ten minutes after the film ended' i say as she laughs

i hold out a burger as she takes it taking a large bite as i smile

'I miss Luke' she says softly as i nod

'I do too hope me too if he was here right now he'd probably be moaning that i didnt pick up mayonaise' i say rolling my eyes as she looks at me in disgust

'Mayonaise' she says

'Yeah disgusting right? i say as she laughs

'What happens now?' she says as i look at her confused

'Now we drink the milkshakes' I say shrugging

'No what are you going to die do i need to attend another funeral' she says

i sigh moving next to her as i hug her tightly  as i kiss her on the top of her head

'I will always be here for you in life or death Just know that whatever i do dont to blame yourself it will be my decision not anyone elses' i say as she leans her head against mine

'I just dont want to loose another person' She sighs

'You won't i'll find a loophole'  i say as she laughs

'Im sure you would its just i love you so much Kira' she sighs

'Yeah and i love you Hope' i say as she looks at me confused

'Yeah that word keeps coming out my mouth recently, now what do you say we go and have some fun?' i say

'What type of fun?' she says

'Well i have a lot of anger and a list of things that Luke said he wanted to do before he died there's a lot of revenge pranks what do you say?' she smirks

'Im the niece of the disruptive Kol mikaelson what do you think?' she says

i drag her by her hand to my car as we race off down to road to number one on the list

'Whats exactly on the list?' she says

i pull out my phone handing it to her as she reads them out loud

'1- Buy fifty jars of mayonaise' she says as she looks at me shaking her head '2-Make love at the top of- woah okay next one 3-  tip the mayonnaise all over Jason brews sports car as revenge for years of bullying 4-Rob a bank  and 5- scatter my ashes over mystic falls where i grew up'

i shake my head realising how ridiculous most of them sound

'Well we obviously cant do some of them but we can do 1 and 3 and do 5' she says

'We don't have his ashes?' i say confused

'We do, Vincent performed a spell with lukes blood to get all his ashes he gave them to Landon because you had turned your humanity off we didn't want you doing something you would regret' she says quietly as I nod softly

'So where is this Jason brews?' I ask

she looks at her phone looking up mystic falls schools and colleges finding a Jason brews

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