Family meeting 3.0

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i see Garret behind Kol as he  ripps his head off as i scream in pain as he walks closer to me kols blood on his hands as he strokes my cheek

'You'll join me soon sister whether you want to or not' he grins as he throws me to the floor as i grab kols face screaming

I wake up  screaming seeing the spot on the sofa bed next to me empty

'Kol?' i shout panicked

'I'm here sister' he says vamp speeding in front of me i reach for his face his real his here

'your boyfriend doesn't have a good choice in food does he?' he says  as a tear falls down my face he sits down besides me as i sit up stroking the tear away

'Whats wrong?' he says 'What was you dreaming about?' he asks

'You' i say biting my lip 'You was dead because of me' i sigh as i look down her grabs my face

'listen to me if im going to die its going to be because i took Davina's orange juice and she murders me okay, dont worry about me ive managed to survive this long and im not dying untill i marry my woman' he smiles as i nod

'i'm going to go to the bathroom i'll be right back ' i say as i walk towards the bedroom

I close the door slowly behind me as i creep past luke sleeping on the bed as i walk into the bathroom glancing at the mirror the moonlight reflecting off it as i start to take deep breaths covering my mouth as i feel myself about to cry

'Kira?' a voice  says roughly as the light switches on

i turn towards  the door seeing  a  sleepy Luke standing by the door and as i wipe a tear from  my cheek he sighs  smiling softly  as he walks over to me

he sits down on the side of the bath as he holds out his arms as i sit on his lap as his arm sits around my waist

'Are you okay?' he asks breathing against my neck

'I'm okay just my mind torturing me' i say as he places his hand on mine stroking his thumb across mine

'Tell me about it' he smiles

'Garret he wants me to join him he was threatening me he killed lol to prove a point' i start

'you know its just your mind its not going to happen your brother seems like he can handle himself' he soothes  as i stand up  in front of him  as i go to lean against the sink

'I know its just that when i seen his body  lifeless before me laying on the floor drenched in blood his eyes just a blank void i.. i.. i can... i cant get it out of my mind' i say as my breathing becomes laboured as i place my hands in my head

'Kira?' he says  as i look up

before i can say anything his hands are on my cheeks and his lips are connected with mine after a while we pull back as he rests his head against mine

'You forgot about it then didn't you?' he asks as i nod softly trying to catch my breath

he looks into my eyes as i grab his face smashing my lips to his as my hands go to his hair  as his arms snake around my waist as i grip onto his shoulders as he picks me up placing me on the sink as he kisses me down my throat as he  sucks gently behind my ear as i bring his lips back to mine kissing him slowly as i pull back breathlessly

'I love you' he whispers as i smile softly

he helps me get down as he  kisses my cheek before leading me to his bed where i pull the duvet over him before walking back into the livingroom seeing lol asleep on the sofa as i pull the blanket over him before slipping under as he smiles

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