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As we reach the end of the tunnel there's a light coming from the end of it as i get closer i see its a torch

i pick it up as i look up seeing the words 'WE HAVE THE TEENAGERS' wrote in blood

'What does that mean?' Josh says confused

'The bastard means he has Hope and Landon' i say bluntly

'He has hope!' Kol says angry as he pulls his phone out as he walks off as davina follows him

'Kira he has your niece' Josh says as i shrug

'This is what he wants he wants me to go to him go into his trap so i wont hurt him because he suspects ill be heartbroken and fight to get them back' i say as he rolls his eyes

'Kira you have to get them back!' He yells

'Alright! i will he doesnt get to take things from me and laugh about it i'm going to hit him where it hurts' I growl 'He doesnt get to mess with Kira mikaelson!' i yell

I storm of down the tunnels catching up to Kol

'Its  true there gone' He says 'We need to go' He says

we all follow him to all jump out of the cave  and head to the compound

'WHERE IS SHE!' Klaus yells storming in

i roll my eyes sitting on the sofa as i pick at my nails

he grabs marcel gripping his shirt aggressively his teeth showing

'I didnt know they sound proofed the room!' Marcel yells

'Why didn't you check on them!' He yells as I roll my eyes 

kol looks at me annoyed as does josh  gosh they should turn their humanity off instead of being downers

'Well sorry we was trying to find Garret and i didn't know someone was gonna take them did I !' He yells Back

'Oh for gods sake stop the dramatics!' I yell standing up as they look at me

'Dramatics sister ?' He says annoyed 'my daughter has been taken and your calling me dramatic!' He screams standing closer to me

'First off get out of my face second off chill out I will find her' I say rolling eyes

'How we don't know where he is' he says

'Well I'll go and see if they left anything just stop screaming I have a bad headache' I groan as I walk upstairs

'You need to sort her out Kol before I kill her' i hear klaus growl

i smirk he could try but it wouldn't work

I walk into hopes room closing the door behind me as I see a giant G on the wall 

I roll my eyes how are me and him related tagging your name like a child I roll my eyes as sit down on the bed

I lay back looking at the ceiling as I try to catch onto a scent which doesn't happen at all

I sit up annoyed and then I notice something sticking up from the wardrobe

I walk over picking it up as there's a note on it

Hello dear sister

I heard you've gone unhumane but I know deep down  you don't want to be responsible for you niece and her boyfriend so I suggest you follow the signs to my location times ticking sister and I'm growing hungry and they smell ever so good Tik Tom Akira

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz