29: the game

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Chapter 29: the game. 


The game season was apparently a bigger fest than I was lead to believe. Lavish decors, adorable mascots, banners of both schools competing, snacks stalls, music, and a roar of an audience to witness a patriotic basketball battle. I affirm every motivating line I said to Eden before she welcomed her first customer at her stall as I walk to the court. 

I'm allowed to walk on the hardwood with the pass that Ace offered me. Coach Jenson even allowed me a seat with the subs, just to honor the legacy of my brother. 

I reach the bench where scattered members of the team are sprawled across. I recognize my brother's face peeking through the video call from Justin's shoulders. I barely get to wave to him and receive a wave before they both hang up. 

"Rude," I say to him as he exhales a satisfying smile and glances to the other bench where the opponent team is huddled. 

Justin had gone MIA on me for the last three days. Caleb told me the boys never indulged in any distraction when the game was advancing. They devoted their focus to the team. However, Caleb did sneak out of the practice two times in the last three days to meet me. I should make sure this doesn't slip out because he'd be a dead man if his captain knew his sins. 

Speaking of, Justin is not just staring at the rival team, he's having a stare-off with a caramel-haired boy. Tall, brawny, and biggity confidence. Jersey number 8, who cut his stare-off from Justin to look at me. "Ashton Grant, your brother's mortal enemy. His family kinda has an issue with our town. The Braves never play fair. Last year, the game had to be stopped because Dylan and he got into a fight. Blood, curse words, broken noses, and what not." 

I shudder at the thought of what might have provoked my brother. "He said something about our family, didn't he?" 

Justin turned to me, pouting. "Something like that." 

"Who won the game the year before?" I continue staring at Ashton who apparently is finding this fun to do with me. 

"They did," Justin mutters after a long pause. "They bribed the referee." 

I stand up straight when I see Ashton walking from his bench to ours. Justin sank deeper into his bench as he crossed his legs, radiating masculine authority. His elbow lifted up to the head of the bench between my hands. Gosh, the dominance this guy radiates. 

"JC," Ashton greets Justin with a nod but Justin responds with a lazy stare. "Heard your BFF left town. Compensating his void with all the bitches, I see." Ashton cuts a glance at me but I don't react.  

Justin smiles like he expected nothing less. "Grant, if I wanted a bitch I'd have gone straight to your mom." 

I should not be grinning. That statement was wrong on so many levels. Still, I can't help but celebrate over how Ashton's smug face turned red hot in one second. Justin had stripped him naked with just words and I'm pretty sure Ashton would think twice before throwing comments like that again. 

Ashton looks away, exhaling and calming himself down. "I have an offer." He can shove it up his ass but I'm surprised when Justin waits for it. "Give me your girl for a day and I'll let you win tonight." 

I look away, half embarrassed and half enraged. Justin's grin widens as he turns to me. "What's funnier? The fact that he thinks he can handle you or the fact that he thinks we need his blessing to win tonight?" 

I eye Ashton in the eye. "Actually, it's the fact that he thinks he can give out offers. Confidence is cute." I face the whiskey eyes with a smirk. "But his personality is disappointing. I thought my brother's enemies were at least half as smart as him." 

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