30: thanksgiving

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Chapter 30: thanksgiving.


The last time Harrison Grant was in Cadford was when he was stripped down from the post of Mayor for wronging this town with his decisions. It was about thirteen years ago. Harlan Raine represented the town as he terminated our ex-mayor's tenure. 

Welcoming the Grants of Orange Township to Cadford's black tie thanksgiving gathering might make my grandfather choke on his breath. I'm sure he's been informed and as no news of his ill-health has caught up with us, I discern he's come to terms with it. 

"It feels different this year, doesn't it?" Dallas eyes the open lawns decorated with lights and cocktails with acoustic instrumental music and the mightiest feast.  

"Except for the Grants and Summers, everything looks the same to me." Vivian joins Dallas's other side. She gives me a smile and I return it back. "Black ties, formal dresses, small talks, champagne, then a toast, and finally dinner. It looks less like thanksgiving and more like a funeral." 

"Does your daddy know about your little opinion?" Dallas takes two glasses of the full-bodied wine and hands one glass to Vivian. 

She takes a huge gulp, her lips, her dress, and her wine the same color now. "Has it ever mattered?" She finished the wine in the next gulp and handed the empty glass to the nearest waiter. "Knock yourselves out, boys. Happy Thanksgiving." 

She walks into the growing party. Anger does suit well on Vivian Wyatt. A while later it's not just Dallas and me in the huddle at the bar. Caleb, Spencer, and Holden have joined in. I eye my family talking to the industrialists. My sight burns on my sister until she senses it and backs away from making small talk with Ace Dempsey. 

"Doesn't she look hot?" Spencer's voice breaks my attention. I follow her gaze to the newly walked-in pair. 

 Caleb seconds her immediately. "Gorgeous." 

I feel a tightening knot in my chest when most of the eyes of the people in this party turn to them. I take the champagne and take a sip as I try to distract my heart from feeling something. The game season is over. I don't have to start practice until after New Year. One cheat alcohol day shouldn't cause problems. 

Dr. Daniel Summer shakes his hands in greeting with almost everyone appearing their way. He introduces the girl whose arm is linked to his. 

Her black dress hugs her hourglass body in just the right places before it ends above her knee, revealing her golden cream skin down her legs. Black cone heel shoes hide her feet. Her dress, I don't want to see but I'm drawn to it like it's a fucking magnet. Puffy sleeves hug back onto her hands and cover them until her palms. Her neckline, fuck. I take another sip. The V-neck of the dress is threateningly deep. Her chest looked pushed up, half a tease and half gaining authority. Her hair is completely straight, parted in the center as it falls on the sides of her face. She's wearing her mother's green butterfly ring and emerald green earrings that are sparkling like my heart, every time she's around. 

I gulp the remaining champagne and look away when she starts walking toward us. Everyone complements her but I don't dare to turn around. My body is filling up with her scent, I don't want to risk losing control. 

"Hey," I know she's saying that to me but I turn around when she taps my shoulder. My eyes lock on her. Nobody should be this beautiful, it's environmentally excruciating. She stretches her hand out as she smiles. My heart slows a beat as I hold back a cuss word. "Happy Thanksgiving, Justin." 

I briefly shake her hand and pull away. She frowns a little but I don't give a damn. One more second and I don't even want to imagine what I would've done to her. "Happy Thanksgiving." 

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