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Reaching home, I shift and run inside, slamming the door behind me. I run to my room, and close the door as well.

I fall to the floor, crying. Scared, of what he could have done, if it weren't for Ann's quick thinking.

I was scared of what happened when the storm came in, how my fur reacted to it and how it hurt him.

I was scared of the sparks that happened when he touched me. I was just plane scared.

What did the sparks from his touch mean?

Everything was so confusing and scary.

I stayed locked in my room the rest of the night,not even coming out for dinner, even though my stomach was growling.

I remained on my floor naked and scared, covered in my thin blanket, as I fell asleep, to the rain beating on the house.

The following morning, I wake up, feeling better. I get up and grab some clothes, putting a new pair of leggings on and an over sized long sleeved shirt on.

I go to the kitchen and start breakfast, as Anita walks in and starts helping. After we are done, she go and wakes the others.

We all sit and eat our breakfast quietly, as the rain continues on outside.

After cleaning up from breakfast, the girls and I all sit down in the living room, playing card games as the tv plays in the background.

By lunch the rain has stopped and the sun makes her presence, to the world, creating rainbows everywhere.

With all the beauty, we run outside, smiles on all our faces. We play in the mud and water, laughing and squealing, from the coolness of the rain soaked earth.

Pack members walk by, looking at us, as if we are crazy, but if they only knew.

As night approaches, I can sense someone watching us and we all go inside. Going to our rooms, we shower and put dry clothes on.

One of the girls makes dinner and we all enjoy it, talking and laughing as we do. The bright, wet day bringing joy to our lives for the first time in a long time.


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