cuarenta y cuatro

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Arcelia skipped to down the hallways at lunch, a large smile plastered across her face

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Arcelia skipped to down the hallways at lunch, a large smile plastered across her face. "Jamal, guess what?"

"It's not a secret, is it?"

"Of course not, I'm not stupid."  Arcelia said.  "Anyways, your ties and vests came in so I need you to give this to Cesar when you see him."

As Arcelia handed over two bow ties and two vests, Jamal looked down at them?  "What about Ruby?"

"What about him?"

"Isn't he part of the court of honor?"

Arcelia stared at Jamal, then started laughing, making him awkwardly join in.  "You're so funny, J.  Oh, and I'm not coming to lunch because I'm going to teach Seba the choreography, so we'll be in the gym."

Jamal looked down at Arcelia and raised his eyebrows.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"  Arcelia smiled, then started skipping off again.

Jamal watched her, then when he saw Cesar, he grabbed him and pulled him to the side.  "You need to talk to your sister!"  He whispered.  "The woman is a ticking time bomb."

Cesar chuckled and shook his head at Jamal.  "What are you talking about?"

"Her relationship with the guy she's been in love with since elementary school ended and she's skipping.  Did you know she kicked Ruby off of her court?"

"Dude, it's been a month since everything happened."

"Exactly, and we haven't seen her cry once."

Cesar sighed and started walking, Jamal trailing behind him.  "Have you see who raised her?  She cries at home, trust me.  Oscar somehow always makes her feel better."

"Her quince is falling apart and it hasn't even happened yet."  Jamal exclaimed quietly.  "Her court of honor went from 5 people to 3 people, and she had to send back the clothes she sized and ordered."

"3 people?"

Jamal nodded his head quickly.  "You, me, and Sebastian.  Ruby and Jasmine are kicked out for obvious reasons and Monse left without saying goodbye, so she got kicked too."

Cesar made a face just as the bell rang, then he nodded.  "I'll talk to her."

× × ×

Arcelia sat with on a blanket in the grass with her legs crossed while Sebastian laid beside her with one of his elbows keeping his body up.  "I still don't get why you brought all of this when you ordered pizza and wings."

"I forgot how much I brought

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"I forgot how much I brought.  Plus, we both know this wouldn't be enough to keep you full all day."  Sebastian stated, putting a whole slice of mango in his mouth from between him and Arcelia.

"Oh, so now you're calling me fat?"

Since his mouth was still full of watermelon, Sebastian couldn't laugh, but he tried.

Since his mouth was still full of watermelon, Sebastian couldn't laugh, but he tried

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"Never that."  Since she was wearing a crop top, Sebastian was given access to squeeze Arcelia's stomach.

Arcelia slapped his arm away and threatened him by saying, "Squeeze me again and I will throw up on you."  Arcelia glared down at him and bit into her slice of pizza before they both started laughing.

After a few minutes, they both calmed down and Arcelia went to lay down to just make herself more comfortable.  Sebastian sighed and they both looked up at the sky, the part that wasn't blocked by a tree.  "I missed hanging out with you Arce." 

"I missed it too, Seba."  Arcelia sighed.  "You're the one that decided to get a job."

"So you don't like the discounts and hat that I give you?"

Arcelia shook her head, turning her head. "Don't put words in my mouth, Seba." 

"It's cool, we'll have more time to spend together now that we're both single."  Sebastian commented.  Arcelia simply hummed and took the watermelon from Sebastian's hand.

"Oh, so you're just gonna have your fancy outside food while the rest of us are stuck eating school lunch?  Really?"  Jamal exclaimed, stomping up the hill that Arcelia and Sebastian were sitting on.

Arcelia turned to Sebastian and began to stuff her face.  "Quick, hide the merchandise."

× × ×

"I just don't understand why I can't be your dama anymore!"

Arcelia halted her speed walking and abruptly turned around to face Jasmine.  "You kissed my boyfriend in front of the entire school and made me look like a dumbass."  She seethed. 

"Arce, yo-"

"It's Arcelia."

Jasmine nodded and held a solemn look on her face.  "Arcelia, you have to understand that it was the heat of the moment.  Neither one of us understood what we were doing, it was all of the excitement and adrenaline."

"Well, when you say it like that..."  Arcelia tilted her head and Jasmine smiled, opening her arms wide for an 'apology accepted' hug.  "Hell no!  You're lucky thay I didn't give Oscar your address, but don't think for a second that won't send it to him."

Jasmine said nothing and did nothing but gulp loudly at Arcelia's threat.  Arcelia started walking away and when she got to her trigonometry class, she took her seat beside Sebastian.  "That was a little harsh."

"Harsh was her kissing my ex."  Arcelia sighed.  Sebastian hummed and nodded his head, because she was right.  Before the teacher turned around and saw them, Arcelia leaned over to quickly kiss Sebastian.  "Anyways, how's your morning?"

"Weight training is shit."

"I thought you liked that class because it helps you prepare for baseball season?"

"I did, but having it in the morning sucks."

"We literally have it together.  You just bench pressed me."

"That's the only good part.  Do you know how hard it is to do weight lifting first thing in the morning?"

Arcelia shook her head and smiled as she pulled out her notebook.  "No, I don't lift weights.  I just stare at you."  Sebastian turned his head to look at Arcelia with his eyebrows furrowed, but she just looked at him and smiled again.  "Horchata?"

So,,, yeatheyredatingnow :)

i got tired of waiting so boom

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