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A/N: I've been watching some youtube video's on how to write better. Just a head up that this chapter might be a little different from the previous chapters.

Isa's P.O.V.

It's been a few day's since Hayley and her friends found me. I feel so stupid. I had shown them a side of me I only ever showed one other person, that person is my dad. Speaking of my dad, he was finally released yesterday. I didn't go to school because I needed to get him from the hospital. Today was another story though.

"Morning dad," I say and grab a mug out of the cupboard. I wasn't really up for small talk in the morning, but since he had been away for 3 day's I would make an exception.

He puts his paper down and looks at me before he speaks. "Good morning rogue."

"So how are you feeling today?" I walk towards the coffee machine. Set my cup down before pouring the black liquid in.

"A lot better actually!" He says before walking over and handing me the milk.

"Thanks," I say while taking the milk from him. My dad walks back to his seat while I pour in a dash of milk. "So, what's next?"

I turn around and face him for the first time since I walked into the kitchen. "They want to start chemotherapy in a month and if that works they might irradiate the spots that are still there." He says, without looking at me once. He was back at reading his paper, meaning he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Ugh, I love my dad but sometimes I just want to slap him. He is sweet and caring, he likes to listen but when it comes to himself he never wants to talk about it. I shake my head before turning around, in search for some sugar.

Breakfast was pretty uneventful after that conversation. I sat quietly sipping my bitter beverage while scrolling through my social media accounts. I never really use social media to post about myself, I use it to keep up with all the celebrities and the gossip. Who won at the AMA's, who got together or broke up and most importantly, who was going to drop some new music. Because, you know, music is life!

After breakfast, I got dressed and made my way to school. I was a little anxious since I skipped 1,5 day without notice. First I skipped half of my classes on Friday and yesterday I skipped since I had to get my dad from the hospital.

I quickly noticed that my anxiousness was a waste of my time. The teacher didn't mention anything when I walked into my first class of the day, the same for my second and third class. I let out a deep sigh when the bell for lunchbreak rings. I felt like I was holding my breath all morning.

Hayley didn't make it any easier on me, she was literally watching me like a hawk. I started noticing just 10 minutes into our first class. I accidentally dropped my pen and when I was about to pick it up she quickly grabbed it and handed it to me. 5 minutes later the teacher told her to stop daydreaming and focus on whatever he was explaining. He, I never said that I was paying attention.

Then there was that third time, I was glancing around the room just to observe what others were doing. Some were taking notes, others were just staring blankly ahead and the students in the back were mostly on their phone or whispering to each other. That's when I noticed her staring at me. She tried to avert her eyes when she noticed I was looking at her, but I had already caught her. After that moment I started to pay attention. I noticed her behind me when walking to our next class. She kept her distance but I could still feel her staring at me. This went on until lunch.

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