You Can't Make It On Your Own- Pt2

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What do you do when someone tells you they're dying? Most people cry, others get angry and some just ignore it all together until it becomes unbearable. They say there is no wrong way to grieve but is this really true?


I sit frozen in my chair minutes after he told me the news. I hear a high pitch ringing and my mind goes blank. I can see his lips move but nothing registers. My mind starts to work overtime, just as fast as my mind went blank. He is going to get better, everything was getting better. He can still get better with treatment, he just needs to do the treatment and everything will be fine.

"Isa." My dad says softly, stopping my mind from spiralling down further. I hear him call for me but all I'm able to do is sit there and look at him in disbelief. "Isa Alexander Willems, snap out of it." He yells. I flinch when I hear him use my full name.

"W-why?" I whisper, afraid to upset my father further.

"I won't do the treatment, because I want to spend my last months here on earth doing the things I love. If I go through chemotherapy I will lose all my energy and the chances of survival are still to low to risk it." He explains. I stand up abruptly, startling my dad in the process.

"So you're just giving up?" I yell, startling him in the process. "You're just giving up on your life, you're not even trying anymore." I try to hold back the tears that were now trying to spill from my eyes.

It's all my fault, if we didn't move here we might have caught it sooner. Maybe he would have done the treatment if mom was still here. This all wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me.

I see my dad slowly stand up, making his way towards me. With every step he sets I take one back. I feel my heart thumping uncontrollably in my chest, it felt like someone was choking me while holding my heart in a crushing grip. "No, no, no," I say while backing away from him. My own thoughts don't make it any easier on me.

It's your fault.


You should have kept your mouth shut.


I turn around and run out of his office, I could hear him call after me. I make my way down the stairs as quickly as possible. I grab my leather jacket and my keys before I make my way out of the door.

I should have been a better daughter, I should have spent more time with him, I want to spend more time with him. He can't just give up on life.

I turn the key and hear my motorcycle roar to life. I take off without looking back.

"Fock, fock, fock," I yell once I am a few blocks away, the words taken by the wind.

"AHHH," I yell as loud as I can while pulling the gas handle. I was getting closer to the outskirts of the city. I dodge cars left and right while going faster and faster.

"Fock you dad."

Harder, faster. I feel the wind sting my eyes, making the lights surrounding me blurry.

"Fock you mom."

I swerve left to dodge a car in front of me. Or at least I think it's a car. I let the tears go freely as I think about how useless I am.

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