You Can't Make It On Your Own

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Social interaction, I've never been good at it. It's not like I don't like talking to people, I'm just bad at keeping a conversation going. I can tell you about myself, about what I like and dislike, but I have a hard time returning that same interest. Not because I'm not interested, just because I'm awkward like that.

At dinner, it wasn't any different. 'Luckily' for me, my dad was better at it than me.

"So, Hayley right?" My dad asks once we had settled around the kitchen table.

"Hayley Morgan, Mr Willems." Hayley introduces herself.

"Call me Mark, Mr Willems was my dad. Anyway, you're the girl who found my rogue?"

"Dad!" I yell, hiding my face behind my hands. I don't dislike the nickname he gave me but it's still embarrasses me whenever he uses it in front of others, especially Hayley. They both just ignore me and continue their conversation.

"It wasn't just me. One of my friends, Audrey, is really good with computers. She is the one who found your daughter, I just took her home." She says before taking a bite from her pepperoni pizza.

"Well I can't thank you enough, I owe you girls. If any of you ever need anything, let me know."

I get up to throw away the leftover crest from my pizza and the cardboard box. I use a little more force then I normally do. When I turn around I am met by 2 sets of eyes on me. Ignoring their stares I walk towards the refrigerator and grab myself a bottle of water.

If they wanted to talk about me they could do it while I was in the living room. I take a seat on the couch and started to read some of the comments on a video I posted this morning.

When do we get a face reveal?
  Who want that. She prolly hiding her face because she ugly.
    @Trololo: Even if she's ugly she has a better personality then you'll ever have!

That voice!

This is one of the best covers of I Will Leave A Light On.

I look up from my phone when I feel someone sit next to me. "Are you okay?" Hayley asks me once she has my attention.

"Yea," I say, immediately regretting my short answer. I wasn't mad at her, I had already forgotten about that. Bad comments just always get to me, especially if it was about my looks. "Sorry, I'm not mad at you or anything, just a little tired." I felt bad about lying to her, but nobody knew about my secret YouTube channel and I was hoping to keep it that way.

"What were you doing?" Hayley asks me while leaning towards my phone. I lock it and put it in my pocket before she gets the chance to see what was on my screen.

"Nothing special, just scrolling through my social media." At least I was telling some sort of truth now.

"Isa." My dad says, saving me from this situation. I turn to face him. He was giving me one of his looks, meaning he wanted to talk later.

"Okay, I understand," I say, letting out a deep sigh. This was going to be fun. With that my dad walks upstairs, doing who knows what. "Do you want to work on the project some more, or maybe do something else?" I ask, turning back facing Hayley.

"Can you play the guitar for me?" She asks me. You could see her face light up a little when she asks me that but is soon replaced by confusion when I start to fiddle with the laces on my sweater. I haven't played for someone in a really long time.

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