Don't Worry, Be Happy

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Homophobia, most people in the LGBT+ community know the meaning of this word all too well, if not all. Hatreds towards any person is something I will never understand, may it be discrimination on skin colour, the land your from, or who you fall in love with. It drives people into the deepest and darkest corner of their mind. They'll start to think that they're not worthy of living on this planet.

Why shouldn't two guys hold hands in the street, if they love each other and want to be as close as possible why not let them? If someone wants to change their body because they feel like they were born in the wrong body, let them. If someone doesn't feel like he or she and ask you to pronounce them or they, why would you be bothered by it?

I was lucky and unlucky in that way. My mom is a raging homophobe and my dad wasn't. My mom wanted to send me to a rehabilitation camp and my dad accepted me for me and that leads me to the question as to why all the good people have to die first?

3 years ago

I stop the van at the side of the road. I curl my hands into fists and start to hit the steering wheel. A tear slips from my eyes as the hole in my heart starts to grow bigger.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I scream trying to lift the heavy feeling in my throat. This was not how I ever imagined my life to be, on the run from a crazy mother, because the one person who was able to protect me, left. He left me to fend for myself. "I hate you, I really do hate you." I meant for it to come out strong and powerful, but I was barely able to whisper it.

Tears were now streaming down my cheeks. This was the first time that I cried since I buried my father. No one should have to grieve alone, but here I am, crying in a van in the middle of nowhere. All I wanted was to be a normal teenager, doing typical normal teenage stuff. I was never one for shopping or having sleepovers while talking about nothing and everything, but right now, I wished for nothing more than a normal day just like that.

This was not in the cards for me, I had to search for a way to get food, a way to keep working on school while making money to survive in a world that's all about money.

I continued my journey after I calmed down a bit, waiting to see what fate would have in store for me.

I'm glad for that night on the side of the road because that night I made a promise to myself. I wouldn't let my mother get away with the things she has done. She always thought I was going to ruin her reputation, so that's exactly what I was going to do. I'll be the person she always wanted to be, just better and kinder.

"So what do you guys say, are you in?" I ask them after I'm done explaining my plan. They look at each other and after a few seconds of silence, one of the two speaks up.

"Yes we're in, but are you sure about this?" Audrey says, concern clear in her voice.

I nod my head. "100% sure, it's not like we'll do anything illegal. We're just." I search for the right words. "We're just showing the world who she really is."

"Then you can count us in," Hayley says smiling at me. I return the smile before looking at the other 3 in the room.

Jax nods his head. "We would walk through fire for you," Anna says throwing her arms around me.

"Anything for you, our saviour," Hayden says joining the hug.

"Group hug!" Jax yells before jumping on us. My breath gets knocked out from me as he squeezes us tightly.

"Guys... Guys can't... breath" I say half-jokingly.  All three get slowly off of me, giving me the space to breathe again. I take a moment to look at the people in front of me.

I wouldn't be here if I had never met them. The siblings showed me real strength comes in numbers, Hayden helped me through my grieve, Audrey showed me loyalty and friendship, and Hayley, Hayley is something else. She showed me what compassion is, what kindness can do, and most importantly what real love feels like.

I could have never imagined myself sitting here, with the people I love and care for, 3 years ago. People who care for me as much as I care for them. They would never judge me, tell me rose coloured lies.


do wish my dad was here, so he could see for himself that I was doing alright. I close my eyes to keep the tears from spilling out. I don't want to cry, I've cried enough.

"Isa, are you alright?" I hear Hayley's voice next to me. It startles me a little, I hadn't noticed Hayden and Hayley switching seats.

I nod my head in response, not trusting my voice and not wanting to ruin the good mood. If I look at her I'll break, just one look would be enough for me to break down, but knowing her she won't give up. I open my eyes slowly, surprised to see her right in front of me and the room empty.

"What's wrong?" She asks after she's done staring at my eyes, waiting for them to tell her everything she wanted to know.

"Nothing is wrong," I say smiling at her. "I was just thinking about everything that happened, where I am now, and how I wished for my dad to see how happy I'm now." She reaches out for my cheek, wiping away the stray tear that fell from my eye.

"I'm sure he would be proud of the women you've become and are still becoming." She says smiling gently at me, hand still on my cheek.

"Thank you Hayls, I really needed to hear that." I close my eyes again and focus on her warm touch on my skin. Never had a touch felt so right, so comforting.

I take a deep breath and open my eyes slowly. "Hayley, would you like to go out on a date with me?" I ask, looking straight in her eyes. She seems a little taken back by my sudden courage, but nods her head rapidly once the question sinks in.

"I would love to go on a date with you?" She says, a big smile on her face.

"Are you free tonight?" I ask, not wanting to wait any longer.

"Tonight?" She pretends to think hard about it, but I notice the cheeky smile she was trying to suppress. "I'm free tonight." She finally admits when she can't hold back her laughter anymore.

"Just wear whatever you're comfortable with, and be ready at 7 sharp," I say pulling her in for a hug.

I've never felt happier than right at this moment. I know happiness doesn't last forever, but I sure as heck was going to enjoy and saviour every moment of it. Life is like a rollercoaster, when you go up you feel nervous and anxious for the moment it comes down, but focus on going up first instead of worrying about going down before you're even there.

As the wise Bobby McFerrin once wrote and sung:

In every life, we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy

Another short chapter but from here on out a lot of questions will start to get answered.

I can't wait to write the next few chapters.
Something with a date, maybe a background story from one of the characters (or more) and maybe some revenge will be served to someone, I'm not going to tell you who though ;)

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

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