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"For the last time, why does it matter if someone ate the last cup of Greek yogurt?"

"It was mine! Also that was the last ounce of Ms. Franklin's blood, I had left."

"Jonathan! You can't keep killing our neighbors down the hall; people are starting to suspect that a serial killer is murdering innocent people!" Jonathan rolled his eyes as he pouted; his left fang exposed slightly when he closed his mouth.

"Please don't be mad. I was just hungry and you had already left for work and Allison was reading like usual. You didn't bring home any blood bags." I groaned in rage and punched his shoulder.

"Excuse me, someone has to make money while you just stay home and party all night getting laid and Allison goes to college at night!" Jonathan opened his mouth, as he showed his pearly white fangs trying to intimidate me.

"Terra, don't make me change you." Jonathan threatens as his emerald eyes darken to coal.

"Go ahead, I dare you. You don't have the fangs to turn me, Jonathan." He glowered at me as he turned and left to his room, slamming the door as the apartment shock slightly.

Allison opened her door as her hazel eyes shinned warmly, with locks of curly blonde hair covering her face like a curtain. ""Terra, is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. Allison you can go back to reading." I smiled at her as Jonathan blasted music in his room, the neighbors started to bang on the wall eventually stopping when he turned the music down. "Do you know where Red is?" Allison shock her head as I sighed in frustration.

"Thanks Allison." She shut the door and continued to read in the dark like usual. Vampires, they just have to suck the fun out of everything.

I went into my bedroom and quickly changed into my uniform for my next job as a bartender, the tips are what's really paying for the three of us to still live here.

After changing into my new wardrobe, Allison almost ran into me when she stepped out of her bedroom. "Allison you gave me a fright," I spoke to her as she yelp.

"Sorry. I wanted to shower, before class Terra." I nodded stepping out the way as she shut the door to the bathroom and I locked the door to the apartment leaving.


"It's another long day, huh?" Mike asked once we started to clean the glasses together, the bar filled with 3 people drinking whiskey and one person asleep in a separate booth.

"Of course, but at least I made $120 in tips tonight, yay!" I said in a fake tone as Mike smiled, his dimples showing slightly as I noticed his matted blonde hair covering his teal eyes.

"Sweet, it sucks being a bartender here sometimes." Mike complained again as I patted his shoulder slightly, sometimes when we talked it didn't even occur to me how different he was then most people in my life.

Granted they're all vampires, but it's nice to have a human in my life other than my neighbors who are staring to drop like flies because of Jonathan.

"Tiffany, are you ever going to tell me the story behind your tattoo?"

"No, I like leaving it a mystery. After all it's just a plain red star," I lied trying to pass off that it meant more than a tattoo.

This was a marking from them.

"Fine, but one of these days please let me know about the tale behind it." I smiled warmly and quickly needed to think of a new subject so, he couldn't think of asking me more questions about it.

"Did you, flip over the opening sign to closing?" Mike snapped his fingers as he set his towel down, "Damn it, that what I forgot to do. Be right back," Mike walked over to the front door and flipped the sign over and while I started to sort the bottles of alcohol by brand names.

Just as Mike walked over the bell at our front door rang, "Sorry the bars closed." He said as I kept cleaning the glasses, not turning around from my spot.

"Lone Star," I froze at the sound of that name.

"Listen man, we don't sell that brand or whatever the hell that is. We're closed," Mike answered as he snarled.

"Tell me where the Lone Star is you feed bag," He asked once more.

Slowly, I started to set the glass down as Mike screamed in pain; I turned around to see a vampire pierce his heart with a silver dagger.

"Shit," One of the vampires aimed for my heart with a dagger, I punched his jaw with my rings blessed in holy water as he whimpered hitting the ground with a thud.

Another towards my back as I ducked causing him to stab his friend in front of me, swiftly grabbing a dagger from each shoe dragging the blades across there mid stomach as they started to bleed on the bar counter falling down as they turned to dust?

I turned around amazed at the bodies since they could only be killed by their heads cuts off from their bodies, "Thought you might need some help."


"What the hell Red, I almost had them!" I groaned jumping off the bar counter and on the floor as he grinned exposing his fangs to me.

"Sure you did, and if you would have turned into one of us your ass would be long gone right now and you know it." Red's eyes were black at the moment, showing a sign of his hunger and most importantly he needed to drink. He was rarely ever angry, it has to bother him every damn time he needs to eat though.

"Red drink him, I can still hear his heart beating." I declared pointing down at him as he looked away refusing once more.

"I will not. He should die the way any other mortal will if they were stabbed on the streets by a gang member," He retorted as I rolled my eyes, grabbing the towel I had just cleaned the glasses with whipping the disgusting smell of vampire blood off my dagger.

"Honestly, must your kind have blood that smell's repulsive," I gagged at the scent placing my weapons back into my shoes as he chuckled.

"You vomited the first time I had to stab a vampire in order to cut his head off making him turn to dust. How old were you again?"

"16, you brick." Red smiled wider his auburn hair, falling gracefully over his eyes as the tips of his hair curled inward under his chin.

"Red you should drink please, I hate seeing you hungry."

He groaned lifting Mike up with one hand as he set his head against the bar counter his fangs piercing his neck as he started to drink Mikes warm crimson blood.

Once he started to drink the life away from him, it was my duty to dispose of the body as he helped me once he finished feeding his eyes back to a reasonable grey color.

"How was your night?" I asked once we placed the last body on top, as Red drenched the corpses in gasoline setting them on fire with his lighter.

"Fine, I was going to have a drink with you now but considering the vampires and all four of these dead humans our night turned out differently."

"Sure did," As the fire started to engulf the bodies I knew the police would be coming soon and it would be time to move again. "Come on, let's go home and pack what we can before the cops show up at our place in 2 hours."

"I'll call the others," Red toke out his phone and dialed Allison right away, they agreed to meet us at the train station once they packed for all of us.

Just another normal day at the office, until they come looking for me. Once again, it's time to move on to another city with a new identity.

At lease I can use my real name, Terra instead of being called Tiffany these past 6 months. Hopefully we can reach a year, oh who am I kidding? That'll never happen since; I had to be the damn Lone Star.

Hey Guys!

I'm starting a new book, because why not! Hopefully you enjoy, and tell your friends about it. Please?

Vote, comment and share if you enjoyed. Bye!

-TG 💀 1/12/15

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