Chapter 20

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I woke up tired the next morning to hear creaking sounds.

I know what it is and it hurts even more that he can't stay loyal to me. 

He could've done it anywhere else but right next door. The sound gets louder and louder as I begin to hear their moans.

I get out of the bed and run into the shower wanting to rid myself of the noises. 

The noises my husband is making with his girlfriend. 

I'm in the shower stripped of my nightclothes, stripped of my sanity as the noises become an endless loop in my head and brain. 

Is there something wrong with me? 

Why am I not good enough to be someone's girlfriend?

All those thoughts drown with me in this scalding hot shower. I can't be the only one like this. 

The only one feeling like she's got no purpose in this fucked up deranged world.

I can't be the only one suffering from depression.

I can't be the only one feeling worthless and so fucking lonely that it is killing me inside. 

Once I'm done with the shower I get dressed in black leggings and a white oversized jumper. I need a break.

I go downstairs grabbing my phone and heading out to the garden. This big garden has become my solace, its empty silence surrounds me. 

Somewhat protecting me through the day. 

I'm glad I can't hear the noises from hear. I mean his garden has a pool, deck chairs, everything you name it. But here I am sitting on one of the deckchairs playing around with my phone. 

Should I call Alyssa? 

Will she even answer? 

I don't want to disturb her. I know she has a boyfriend Matt now. 

What is she's moved on and forgot about me just like everyone else? 

Papa hasn't called me since I've arrived here as well. 

I don't know if he's feeling okay. None of that. But I let all the worries fade away as I dial her number and wait. 

Wait while the incessant ringing continues and continues. 

A part of me hope she doesn't pick up. But another part of me wants her to pick up and hear her voice. 

But that's when the ringing ends and I hear a voice, "Hey it's Alyssa." 

Her voice sparks nostalgia in me. 

"Hey Lyssa it's me Athena!" I tell her.

"I know dumbass caller ID. How's Italy? How's Romero treating you?" She asks a bunch of questions. 

Her protective nature coming through and giving me a sense of comfort.

"Italy as a country is fine. But-," I am cut off by her voice.

"Did he do something to you? Are you ok? I swear to God tell me babe and I'll be on the next flight to you!" The growl in her voice undeniably showing her anger.

"Romero has a girlfriend Lyssa. Our fucking wedding is only for a year. I signed the contract and everything." I sigh sadly. 

This time she doesn't interrupt me. 

"He loves her more than me. I can't fucking sleep because they are fucking in the room next door!" Every single feeling I have bottled inside since landing in Italy comes naturally out. 

"HE DID WHAT? A girlfriend? A fucking contract?" She repeats everything I say.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that Athena. And Romero does he not have no shame fucking his side bitch while you are next door?" She whispers angrily. 

I hate that she's getting protective over me causing herself to get angry. So I change the subject.

"Enough about me Lyssa. How are you? How's work? How is Papa?" I bombard her quickly with questions so she can forget about my situation and calm down. 

"I'm fine. I moved in with Matt the other day. His apartment is really cool. We going strong!" She says and I can tell she has a smile on her face.

"That's cute. The same Matt you told me was a date!" I laugh and roll my eyes.

"And work is same old. Different without you though. And Aodhan. He's okay. But he's grieving. He comes into work smartly dressed but since I was close to you I can tell he's hurting." Her words make my heart heavy. 

I'm grieving too. 

But Papa is dealing with it alone. In a way so am I but still?

I hope he is okay. I pray he is. 

"I miss you babe." Alyssa blurts out. 

She calls me babe. Ever since we've met. Her nickname for me was babe. I got used to it. 

"I miss you too Lyssa. Hey you and Matt have to visit me here in Italy. I don't know how I'm going to survive if I don't see your face." I roll my eyes dramatically.

Once we've said our goodbyes and the call has ended is when the feeling of emptiness envelopes me. 

For a moment it felt as though I was back home talking to her. 

For a moment it felt as though I'm not on the other side of the world. 

I'm nothing here.

Romero has left me here expecting me to be okay with being alone. But how can I be? 

Why did he bring me here? He could have left me with his parents.

Uncle Nikolas and Aunt Julia. They know about his girlfriend but not about the contract. I mean they'd be more than happy to take me in.

It's like he wants to torture me further by making me live with him. 

By making me hear the fucking noises and moans every night and morning. 

He's torturing me. Punishing me. 

Somewhat. I don't know why though. 

What have I done so wrong?

I don't deserve this. 

Nobody does. 


Do you think Romero is a dickhead?

What is his ulterior motive?

Is Athena going to be lonely forever?

Read to find out;)

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Soul x 

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