Chapter 50

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"DADA! E-L!" Mirella squeals happily pointing at the elephants in front of her. 

"Yes bambino elephant!" I smile at her innocence. 

Now that I think about it has been too long since Athena left to go get some snacks. 

Why is she not back yet? 

We are on the other side of the zoo. I decide to head back to the food stall she said she would be at. 

Where could she be?

Fuck what if something happened to her? 

The food stall is empty and there are not many people around this area. 

Why did I let her go here alone? 

"Daddy! Daddy!" Mirella cries and buries her face in my neck. 

I pat her back and comfort her with soothing words so she calms down. My heart is searching for hers. Where the fuck is she? 

"Excuse me have you seen my wife? She has blonde hair and blue eyes!" I decide to ask the guy at the only food stall here.

He shakes his head, "I do not know!" 

Fuck what am I going to do? Mirella is sniffling her tears haven't stopped. 

"DANTE!" I hear her voice. Her voice screaming my name.


Not again. 

She can't go through anything like that again.

Fuck. Something bad is happening. I can feel it. 

I run with Mirella clutched tightly in my arms to the direction of her voice. My blood freezes when I see what's before me. 

A sleazy guy has cornered my Athena  and is touching her. Her dress is ripped and his fucking dick is in her mouth.

"Ella baby stay here! Don't go anywhere!" I whisper quietly and set her down before running towards Athena. 

Grabbing him by his collar I pull him off Athena and begin punching him. 

"How dare you touch her? Fucking try to rape her. Figlio di puttana. Ho intenzione di ucciderti!" I yell angrily. 

My fists collide with his cheek over and over. I make him regret ever laying a finger on her. I'm about to break his legs when I hear Mirella's crying. And Athena's quiet sobs.

My family comes first. 

With one last kick to the stomach I let him go focusing on my bambolina and bambino. Athena is slumped onto the wall clutching the broken pieces of her dress as she sobs into her hands. 

My heart breaks seeing her so helpless and upset.

"Bambolina!" I whisper softly. 

She shakes her head continuously scratching her arms as if to get rid of his touch. Mirella waddles over towards us and touches Athena's face. 

"I'm here bambolina. I'm right here. Sssh. Everything will be okay!" I rest her head on my chest and let her sob quietly.

"Let's go home!" I whisper once she has calmed down. 

I wrap my jacket around her body and pick Mirella up. Wilson drives us home as quick as we got here. As soon as we are in the apartment complex I set Mirella down on the couch. 

"I want to be alone!" She murmurs and leaves in the direction of our bedroom. 

I hear the shower running and I leave her be. She needs time and space. I can give her that much. 

Making Ella some food I change her into some pyjamas before putting her to sleep in her cot. 

When I head into the room after so long Athena is already in bed fast asleep. I strip to my boxer shorts and slip inside wrapping my arm around her waist. 

I peck her forehead. "Good night bambolina!"


10 More chapters left. 

This is coming to an end. 

I haven't started the second book yet. 

So follow, vote and comment to be the first to hear about it. 

Soul x 

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