Chapter 10

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The next few weeks passed by smoothly, and soon Megan realized that Tate had already been working for her for almost two months. Things around the ranch were starting to look up, despite the desperate financial state they were in. Tate took time out of his day to fix up little things, often going into town and getting supplies for the fixes for a lot cheaper than Megan could have, due to his ability to find scraps that somehow seemed to work. The days were easier on Megan too, as her dad seemed to be in better spirits with another male around and Tate helped her out with little things. Even though Megan liked to be independent, she couldn't deny the fact that she loved the help.

"Mornin' Megan!" Tate came through the door with his usual greeting. He had moved back to the bunkhouse and everything seemed to be working correctly in there for now.

"Good morning Tate." Megan slid a cup of coffee towards him. It had become their routine and she no longer had to ask what he wanted.

"How's your dad seeming this morning?" The question took her by surprise as her dad was something they usually left out of the conversations.

"Well I wouldn't say it's a good day, but it doesn't seem to be a really bad day either. He didn't remember my name but was making comments on the current stock market. He knew what he was talking about too." Megan grinned a little as she thought about the small insights she had into her dad's mind on days like this. She liked seeing the little glimpses of who he used to be; a stubborn, opinionated man, although a very kind one.

"Good." Tate seemed pleased and it was more than just being happy that her dad was doing alright.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well I thought maybe I could take you into town. You know you could get off the ranch for a little bit, see the outside world. I have a few things I need and I figured we could make an outing of it." He flashed her a beautiful smile and her heart skipped a beat. Was he asking her on some sort of date? Surely not. He probably just wanted his employers opinion on something he wanted to buy.

"Tate I can't just leave dad here and you know that." She turned her chair back around to the sink to hide the look of disappointment. She really didn't get to leave the ranch very much and a trip into town, especially with Tate, sounded inviting.

"I know. I figured maybe his friend Adam could come over for a while? Seems like they haven't done anything for a while." Megan frowned a little at the suggestion.

"I don't like burdening him with dad! I know it can't be easy for him to see his best friend like that. I can't just ask him to look after him." She heard Tate sigh from behind her and when she turned to look at him he was standing right behind her.

"C'mon Megs. For me? Please? You know deep down Adam doesn't mind it. Plus I'm startin to think you just don't wanna be with me." He purposely let his words drawl out, making his southern accent thicker. Megan's heart skipped and she almost rolled her eyes at herself. She was acting like a school girl towards her employee.

"Well I guess it would be kind of nice to get off the ranch." She pondered for a moment, but when she looked at Tate and saw him pouting dramatically she laughed. "Fine you big baby. I'll phone Adam and see if he minds."


It turned out that Tate was right. Adam did not mind at all. Megan smiled a little as she stared out the window of Tate's truck. The radio was playing the local country station softly and the roar of the diesel engine and the sound of the tires on the highway mixed perfectly with it. She had missed this. Missed the freedom to hop in a truck with a boy and just take off, not having to worry about her dad. She missed the ability to go wherever she pleased. Most of all she had missed riding in a nice truck like this one. Her small SUV that had been specialized with hand controls just wasn't the same.

The Healing RanchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora