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3 years later...

"Mama, mama! Go?" Megan smiled and looked up from where she was packing some last minute items into her purse. A little boy came toddling into the kitchen, his dark brown hair sticking out all over the place just like his dad's tended to do. His green eyes were a reflection of her own as she smiled down at him jumping excitedly beside her. 

"Yes. Let's go see if daddy finished packing the truck yet." She reached down and ruffled the boys hair before making another quick round of the house and picking up her purse. She locked the front door behind her and smiled at the sight that greeted her. Tate was holding their  2 year old son, talking seriously to him and pointing out towards the barn. She couldn't help the warm feeling that spread over her at the sight of her two favorite boys together. They had gotten married a couple months after Tate had proposed to her, and soon after to Megan's shock and Tate's excitement found out that they were going to have a baby. 9 months later Riley Jacob was born. He was named after his uncle Jake and Megan's father as Riley had been his middle name. 

"How are you doin?" Megan startled a little at the sound of Tate's voice in her ear. She looked over to see him and Riley standing beside her and smiled.

"Perfect. Just got lost in thought I guess." He smiled at her, a smile that was now filled with happiness and was no longer clouded with guilt. Tate had learned to let go of the past, both the accident that killed his brother and leaving his family. Although there was still hard times for him, the two had been nothing but happy in the 3 years that they had been married.

"Ready to go?" He asked and she nodded. Riley squealed in excitement and led the way to the truck.

"Granma, Granpa, we come!" He babbled still having trouble forming full sentences. Megan was looking forward to the trip to Texas. Despite the distance, the little family spent a lot of time there and Riley loved going to see his grandparents. Megan smiled at the thought of the news they had for their family. 

"I can't wait to tell them." She whispered, rubbing a hand over her small baby bump. Despite thinking that it was impossible for her to get pregnant or for her to have a child, God had proved her wrong. She was expecting again and her in-laws had no idea the news that awaited them. Tate leaned over the back of her wheelchair to place his hand on her stomach.

"Me either. You don't know how happy this makes me, Megan." He kissed the top of her head before helping her into the truck and closing the door. Megan stared out the window and watched as the ranch got smaller and smaller. She couldn't deny that they had had rough patches in their married life, but she couldn't have asked for a better man. Tate had worked through the demons that haunted him and was now free of guilt. He had turned back to God again after Riley had been born, saying that he was a blessing and a clear reminder to Tate who was looking after them. As Megan thought back on all that they had gone through to get where they were now, she sent a quick prayer up to thank God for all the blessings he had given. As the ranch disappeared from sight, she smiled. Even though she got a little homesick in Texas still, she knew that their little family would always return home to the Healing Ranch.


And just like that it's done! Honestly if you would've told me that this story would've gotten this far, or had so many readers when I first stared it I wouldn't have believed you. Before you can close the book though, I had a couple quick things to say. :)

1) I honestly don't know how I feel about this epilogue. It is very short and I don't know if I like it, but I wanted to give some sort of ending and glimpse into what Tate and Megan's life together looks like. I may go back and change this when I go through the book. 

2) To everyone who read this book all I can say is THANK YOU! The amount of people who have read this book and even voted, blows my mind as none of my stories has ever gotten this much attention. So thank you for sticking with me and hopefully you liked this story!

3) This is going to be in a series but will always be able to be read as a stand alone, as will the other books in the series.. It will be the first book and I already have some ideas of what the second is going to look like. One of the main characters is someone we already have met in this book and someone who's story I am very excited to write! (Hint: it's Tate's best friend and Tate and Megan and their kids will make some appearances in it). I am not sure when the second book will be started as I do want to take a small break from writing and also want to read through this book and possibly clean it up a bit. But I ask you guys to please check out the second book when it comes out! It will be called Learning to Heal, and I can't wait to have it started for you guys! 

This book has been so much fun to write, and often times my escape when I am stressed. So once again thank you for all of the support and make sure to check out the second book!


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