Chapter 20

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"Did someone order a Christmas tree? Because I've just brought home the best one in all of Montana!" Tate's cheerful voice rang through the house and Megan quickly left the kitchen to see Tate coming through the door with a big,beautiful freshly cut pine tree. She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.

"Tate! I can't believe it!" She hurried to try and help him hold the door, but couldn't offer much help because her wheelchair just got in the way.

"Don't worry I've got it hon. There is a tree stand in my truck if you could go get that though." Tate grunted a little as he lifted the tree again, scanning the living room for a good spot to put it. Megan hurried down the porch ramp and out into the fresh snow. She had a little difficulty getting through the snow to Tate's truck but managed to get there and back inside with the tree stand quickly. Tate had the tree leaning against the wall beside the small fireplace.

"Is that where you want it?" Megan asked, wheeling the stand over to him.

"Well, the question is if you want it there. The woman of the house decides!" Tate winked at her and Megan giggled.

"Well how about there?" She pointed to the corner opposite the one he had it leaning in, the one by the window. "That way we can see the Christmas lights from outside too!"

"Your wish is my command." Megan watched as Tate moved the tree over, leaning it carefully against the wall. He bit his lip in thought.

"I can help." Megan was already trying to find a way to let herself gently onto the floor. Tate seeming to read her intentions, scooped her out of her chair and set her gently on the floor beside the tree stand. Once she was positioned right, he placed the tree in the stand and held it steady while she tightened it.

"There. Perfect." He bent down and swept her off the ground, holding her close to him and planting a kiss on her lips. She giggled and threaded her fingers through his hair. The smell on pine wafted around them, and Megan inhaled deep, enjoying the smell of Christmas.

"Thank you Tate." He smiled and set her gently back into her chair.

"Your welcome. It just felt wrong not to celebrate Christmas." Both of their moods fell a little as he said that, and Megan knew that both of them were missing their families. She wished that he would just contact his mom, as she knew that the woman who had called a couple days ago would like nothing better than hearing from her son.

"Well there's tree decorations downstairs! If you can find those, I'll get some holiday music on and make us some hot apple cider and then we can decorate the tree." Megan forced a cheerful smile and Tate looked down at her gratefully.

"That sounds like heaven right now Megs." The two were soon decorating the tree together, laughing and talking, while the sound of Christmas music floated through the air. Megan got all the lower branches, while Tate took the higher ones. She laughed as he watched him dance to a catchy Christmas song, making up dumb moves as he went.

"You've got moves mister." She laughed as he looked over at her and wiggled his eyebrows. She loved this side of him. She hadn't ever seen him so happy and carefree before and she shook her head as she watched him shimmy over to the tree to hang an ornament. He had brought so much light into her life without even knowing it, this man who bore such deep scars.

"Dance with me Megan!" She laughed as he scooped her out of her chair, holding her close and swaying back and forth with her in his arms. She shrieked as he spun around and then dipped her low, letting her hair almost touch the floor as he held he upside down from her waist. Finally he collapsed on the couch, pulling her into his lap and snuggling his face into her hair. There they sat quietly on the couch and stared at the twinkling tree all decorated in front of them.

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