How The Others Found Out

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Monito (Monika):
Let's be honest, he told everyone the very next day. He was almost jumping off the walls while he told the boys about you. Satsuke smiled and listened happily, Yuri listened while reading his book with a small smile on his face and Netsuki looked annoyed with how much he was talking but was happy for his friend. But he had to get him to stop.
"Okay Monito, we get it you have a girlfriend now!"
"And we're super happy for you!"
Satsuke joined in and gave his friend a hug as a congratulations which Monito happily returned.
"Thank you, I'm happy to! OH! I forgot to tell you guys this super cute thing (Y/N) did the other day!"
Thankfully, before Netsuki could tell Monito to 'shut up', You walked into the room and gave a happy face to everyone.
"Hi everyone!"
Monito turned to face you with a huge smile on his face and quickly walk over to give you a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Hello my dear, I was just telling the others about the great news about us"

Yuri (Yuki):
It would take Yuri awhile to let the others know he was dating you, not because he didn't want to. It was more like he just didn't want to put pressure on you and him to act like a 'couple'.
One day, during the literature club, everything was reviled. You and Yuri kept stealing looks and small smiles at each other as you read your books. Monito was unknowingly watching you two with a smile of his own. Satsuke walked over to him and asked what he was looking at. Monito pointed at you and Yuri and after looking at the both of you for a few minutes before a huge smile broke out onto Satsuke face and he shouted.
Both Yuri and you looked at him with blush covering both your faces. Before the ever of you could say anything, Satsuke bounced over and gave you both a massive hug and went on and on about how happy he was for you both. Netsuki soon joined in and placed a hand on Yuri's shoulder.
"Finally you asked her out! I was beginning to think you never would."
This did not help Yuri blush go down, but it did make Monito laugh at the both of you.

Satsuke (Sayori):
Another one who would let everyone know the next day of asking you out. Satsuke was like this all day, wanting to hand your hand and give hugs. You and Satsuke were walking to the literature club, holding hands. Satsuke opened the door for the both of and greeted everyone, still not letting go of your hand.
"Hi everyone! How are you all today?"
No one answered as their eyes were locked on yours and Satsuke's locked hands. It was confusing at first before you looked at what they looking at and gave them a laugh.
"Oh right this"
You said as you held up yours and Satsuke's hand. Which lead to him now understanding what was happening and giving the boys his bright smile.
"Oh yeah! Me and (Y/N) are dating now, isn't that great!"
Monito and Yuri smiled and Netsuki rolled his eyes, but they where all happy for their friends.

Netsuki (Natsuki):
You were the one to tell the boys, being the romantic you were, you wanted everyone to know about your cute boyfriend. As you were talking, the three boys in front of you did not look happy.
Monito said suddenly.
Yuri said this time.
"No what?"
"Your too young to date"
"Satsuke, what are you talking about?"
Before you got an answer, Netsuki entered the room and was quickly grabbed and placed into a chair by the three older boys. Netsuki looked at the three with an angry and confused look on his face.
"What the hell!?"
The three had their arms crossed with a small glare on their faces before Yuri moved forward to speak.
"We have discovered you are dating our young (Y/N)"
Next Satsuke moved in next.
"And we would like to know what your intentions are with her"
During this Netsuki face turned red, but it was hard to tell if it was due to anger or embarrassment.
"Who told you that?! Why did you tell them that?!"
Nesuki was now staring at you with a glare. Monito move in-between Yuri and Satsuke and moved close to Netsuki's face.
"Now that's no way to talk to a girl you wish to date, now tell use why we should let you date our sweet (Y/N)?"
Netsuki moved as far back as he could go in his chair and began to sweat bullets as the older boys questioned him more while you stud near by wondering what was happening.

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