Yandere Reveal

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(Part two of (Y/N)'s yandere moments. This is where they're both yandere's and find out how madly in love they are with each other)

Monito (Monika):

Monito looked shocked before smiling lovingly at (Y/N) and moving closer to her. All (Y/N) could do was stand with wide eyes as Monito placed a hand on her head before he pulled her into a loving hug.

"Oh my love, my princess, you don't have to worry about a thing, I'll take care of everything"

(Y/N) couldn't help but cry and grip onto Monito tighter.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I j-just couldn't let them h-have you''

It was quiet for a moment before Monito's laughter broke out. He pulled away to place a soft kiss on (Y/N) forehead.

"Haha (Y/N) I'm so glade you feel the same way I do about our love"


"Our love will last forever and even after that and if anything or ANYONE try's to stand in our way..."

Monito's face turned from a soft smile to a blank look, with clouded eyes, as his grip tightened.

"We'll get them to regret EVER trying. I love you, my love killer queen"

Monito sealed that promise with a kiss.

Yuri (Yuki):


Yuri and (Y/N) looked shocked and scared of each other, both too frozen to move.

It was Yuri who made the first move, slowly moved to cup (Y/N) face with his hands, looking her dead in the eye.

"W-why (Y/N)...? Why do this...?"

(Y/N) looked down, tears falling down her face to the ground.

"I-I-I did-dn't want to lo-lose you...."

Soon as (Y/N) looked back up, Yuri had a demonic look on his face (you know the face I mean). The grip on her grew stronger and he began to laugh like a mad man.

"HahahAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA OH I NEVER KNEW YOU LIKE TO CUT FLESH LIKE I DO...you should have told me sooner, I would have loved to experience things like this together...."

This made (Y/N) return Yuri's maddening smile as they pulled each into a passionate kiss, before pulling and leaning their foreheads tougher.

Satsuke (Sayori):

Satsuke sank to the floor to his knees, eyes wide. (Y/N) couldn't move, not even when Satsuke crawled to her and wrapped his arms around his waist, burying his face into her stomach.

(Y/N) could feel her top getting wet, was Satsuke..crying? She started to cry as well. (Y/N) began to stroke his hair to comfort him only to hear him start to giggle.

This was confusing until Satsuke lifted his face to look up at her, a heart warming smile filled with tears.

"(Y/N)~I'm so happy!"

"Y-You are...?"

Satsuke giggled again before pulling her down onto her knees to gain them in a warm embrace.

"Of course I am, you KILLED someone for me because of our love! Who wouldn't love that?!"

(Y/N) was shocked at first until closing her eyes and returned the embrace. They stayed like this until she thought of something that seemed off. She pulled away to look at Satsuke.

"How did you know I killed them for our love?"

Satsuke looked at her with dark smile before leaning close to her for another hug.

"You make it out like I've never killed anyone for you before~"

Netsuki (Natsuki):

(Y/N) couldn't look at him, she turned away from him. Too scared to face what would come next. (Y/N) began to cry, she was at lose of what to do.

So imagine her shock when Netsuki hugged her from behind. When she turned to look at his face only to see him with smile and loving eyes.

"This is like something from a manga, you know when two people are so in love with each other they do everything to keep each other safe~"

"Your...okay with...this?"

Netsuki turned (Y/N) to face him, smile still on his face.

"Well yeah I'm not a hypocrite"

"Wait what?"

Netsuki let out a laugh before pulling her back into a hug and a short kiss.

"You think I've never killed anyone before? Hn cute....I like it. me and you against the world~"

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