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The club room was empty, just (Y/N) and (boy's name) sitting together waiting for the other to come. During their time waiting, (boy's name) got an idea how to pass the time.

Monito (Monika):

"Monito.... what's with that look?...."

Monito had a wide smile across his face as he slowly moved so his (Y/N) was forced to the back of one of the tables. He then wrapped his arms around (Y/N) waist to pick her up and set her on said table, his smile growing bigger.

"I just want to show my love for you while we have some time to our selves, my pet"

With that he sealed their lips together and proceed to dominate (Y/N) mouth. Without any warning Monito slid his tongue into her mouth.

They were like this before they heard something falling onto the ground. They both turned around to see Yuri quickly picking up some books he dropped in shock. Yuri face was pure red from what he walked into.

"S-S-SORRY!... W-we are still having the club today, r-right?"

(Y/N) hide her face in Monito's shoulder, while Monito just smiled at Yuri.

"Yeah, we're still doing the club and don't worry about walking in on us. It was our own fault anyway"

Monito properly would try to carry on if his (Y/N) hadn't have stopped him out of embarrassment. I'm pretty sure Monito has no shame with this kind out stuff.

Yuri (Yuki):

Yuri quickly moved to (Y/N) and wrapped his arms around her to pull her close. Both of them were now bright red. Yuri was never this forward in his actions.

"Y-Yuri...w-what are you doing?..."

Yuri paused for a moment as to think of how to word what to say next.

"A-All the guys were saying how p-people in couples do random things like this to show their love a-and I want you to feel loved!"

(Y/N) was wide eyed for a moment before giving Yuri a soft smile and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Yuri... I do feel loved... and couples are each different, don't feel like you have to do something if you don't want to-"

Yuri grabbed hand that was on his cheek.

"BUT I DO WANT TO! I-I-I just don't really know what to do...."

"I guess we'll learn together..."

With that, (Y/N) placed her lips ageist Yuri's as they wrapped their arms around each other. Soon, Yuri made the move to slide his tongue into her mouth as their lips moved together.


Both Yuri and (Y/N) turned wide eyed as they faced the door to see Netsuki standing there with a wide smile on his face.

"....What, have you both froze or something?"

Satsuke (Sayori):

(Y/N) was sitting on Satsuke lap, who was sitting on the floor, back to the wall, facing the door. Just waiting for the others to show up.

"....(Y/N), are you bored?"

"Yeah , they're all usually here by now...."

"Well....we something...just while we wait...."

"What are yo-"

Quick as a flash, (Y/N) was spon round so she was facing Satsuke as he slammed his lips with hers. (Y/N) giggled, their lips still locked together. He nibbled her lips asking for entry, which she allowed.

They were like this for what seemed like forever, only stopping now and again to catch their breaths before going back for more. That was until a pink haired boy walked into the room, face turning red from what he walked into.


They both looked over to Netsuki before looking back at each other. They let out a giggle and leaned their foreheads to each others. Netsuki rolled his eyes before moving to get one of his manga's from the cupboard.


Netsuki (Natsuki):

(Y/N) and Netsuki were sitting in the cupboard, reading some manga like always in the club, but today Netsuki seemed quieter then usual. Soon (Y/N) had enough of the silence and moved so was sitting right in front of Netsuki. She closed the book on him and looked him dead in the eye before speaking.

"Alright Netsuki tell me what's bothering you, you're never this quiet! I your girlfriend, you should be a be able to tell me anyth-"

(Y/N) was cut off by Netsuki's lips, only for him to pull away to speak with a red face.

"S-Shut up...I want to try something I've read, i-if that okay with you, that is-"

It was (Y/N) turn to cut him off with her lips. At first Netsuki was shocked before slowly closing his eyes to return the kiss.

It was (Y/N) who made the first move to slide her tongue into Netsuki's mouth. Netsuki wasn't too happy about this as he wanted to be the one leading the kiss, which lead to them both fighting for domination.

Before a winner was made a sound was heard at the cupboards' doors, a fake cough to be more pacific.

Standing at the door was Monito, arms crossed, with a cocky smile on his face.

"I knew this would happen, Netsuki would take advantage of our sweet, innocent (Y/N)~"

At this, Netsuki's face went red but it was hard to tell if it was due to anger or embarrassment. He quickly moved away from (Y/N) to stand face to face with Monito, who still had a smile on his face.

"I didn't do anything you dirty minded perv! AND SHE KISSED ME FIRST ANYWAY!"

"Aw don't blame (Y/N) for your own dirty deeds Netsuki~"


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