You Fall Asleep On Him

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It was a late evening, both (Y/N) and (boy's name) were just relaxing on the sofa. during this time, (Y/N) was nodding in and out sleep before it slowly leaning onto their boyfriend for a little nap.

Monito (Monika):

This is perfect for him, he loves all the mushy, mushy romantic stuff. When (Y/N)'s head hit his shoulder, Monito's reaction is to smile, give her a kiss on top of her head and snuggle closer to her.

"My, my, my seems I have a sleeping beauty by my side~. Hehe good niiiiggght my princess (Y/N)~"

Yuri (Yuki):

At first Yuri froze from the sudden contact, too scared to move. Soon he relax enough to look at the sleeping (Y/N), which made a smile creep onto his face.

" Oh (Y/N), was the book boring you that much...? Ha, you do look like a sweet angel. Sleep well darling..."

Satsuke (Sayori):

Shockingly, (Y/N) wouldn't wake up from Satsuke's hug/cuddle attack. Satsuke would happily get into a position to fall asleep with his (Y/N), with a big smile on his face.

"So cute, so cute, SO CUUUUUUUUUTTTTEEEE!~ How can you look cuter like when your asleep (Y/NNNN)!....And your so warm...~"

Netsuki (Natsuki):

He'd moved (Y/N) into a better sleeping position, all while have a red face and a trebling lip. All he could think was it was like something from a manga.

"Baka! How the hell do you fall asleep like this....*sigh*(moves (Y/N) to sleep better)....why do you have to be so cute...."

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