Chapter 5

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I don't know why Oscar was throwing a birthday party for her. It's not even his kid. Whatever. I sat on the ledge of the couch next to Jesus and Cesar. I didn't really know anyone here. Devil Bitch told Oscar she didn't want any Santos at HER daughter's birthday party, it's not like they wanted to come anyway. Jesus, Tony, and I came because we all grew up with Oscar, we were here for him not her. Cesar and I invited Ruby, Jamal, and Monse but they didn't show because they don't like the bitch either.

Oscar came out the back door with the devil child on his shoulders, behind him was Maddi holding the cake. I felt Jesus' hand go on mine. He was trying to calm me down. Something about her aggravated me every time I saw her. She swore up and down she was a natural blonde, but her roots stay out. Her daughter is blonde so she thought she could get away with it, but the biological father had blonde hair and blue eyes. He wasn't here because after he left Maddi she stopped letting him see his own child. After she got with Oscar she started telling everyone she was his. With Oscar being so blind, he doesn't mind.

Oscar put her down, and held her hand. Everyone gathered and started singing happy birthday, only her side of the family did though. We all stayed in the back watching them. Maddi cut her eyes at us and gave us a dirty look, because apparently we're obligated to sing her daughter happy birthday. I put up my middle finger at her and smiled.

Jesus and Cesar burst out laughing. She nudged Oscar to show him I was flicking her off. I kept it up I really didn't care Oscar knew none of us liked her. After they got done singing happy birthday Oscar took a chunk out the cake with his hands and smashed it her on her face. Tony and Oscar were basically dying of laughter and so were we. Surprise surprise devil child started crying. Maddi hit Oscars shoulder and took her daughter inside to clean her off.

"You don't have to make it so obvious that you don't like her" Oscar said approaching us,
With my brother behind him.

"Why? She doesn't bother hiding the fact that she hates us?" Jesus said.

"She doesn't hate you guys, she just knows  you don't like her. Why should she like you, if you don't like her? All she does is try with you guys, and you don't appreciate it" I stared at Oscar in disbelief because there's no way in hell he just said some dumb shit like that.

"Fuck you Oscar" I said then I tried walking away but he grabbed me by my arm. It's like this bitch has X-ray vision because as soon as Oscar touched me, Maddi came running. "Let me go and attend to your bitch, and act proper for all these white folks Spooky" I pointed at her and snatched my arm away from his and left. Not even a second later Cesar was following me.

"I didn't want to stay anyways, where we going?"  He linked his arm with mine.

"The beach I'm in the mood to smoke and swim"

"Sounds good to me" he responds following me.

Cesar ended up coming over to Monse's last night after I fell asleep. So when I woke up I decided to walk back home since Oscar was probably by himself. It wasn't too much of a walk either. As I got closer to the house I noticed a car in the driveway that I never seen before. When I got to the porch I realized who it was in the front seat. You really can't miss fried bright yellow hair.

"What're you doing here?" She asked getting out the car. She stood in front of me and stared at me with her arms crossed.

"What do you want Maddi?"

"I asked you a question, What're you doing here?" She asked again.

I rolled my eyes, "I live here Maddi, now move because I know you're not trying to test me this early in the morning unless you're trying to get hit"

" I want to talk to Oscar. OSCAR" she said banging on the door, and windows yelling his name.

"Since you clearly can't take a hint. He doesn't wanna fucking talk to you, or you and your daughter wouldn't be parked in the driveway waiting for him to come out. Now fuck off because you got a restraining order on me so I can't touch you. But the Santos been waiting for you to pop up since you got my brother arrested and whatever the fuck you did to Oscar. You better hope I don't find out what happened either Maddi or your daughter will end up an orphan." I said.

She was still talking, but I wasn't really paying attention to what she said. I finally got the door open, went inside, and slammed the door on her face before she can piss me off even more. I turned around and saw Oscar sitting on the couch with a grin on his face.

I wasn't expecting him to answer but I asked anyways, "How long has she been here for?" He patted the seat next to his on the couch, and I sat down.

"Since you left last night." He said turning around and facing me. He took the blunt off his ear, and handed it to me. "I was waiting for you to smoke this with me. She kept me up all night yelling my name banging on the door and shit"

After I lit the blunt I handed it back to him and said, "Seems like you need it more than me"

He took it and laughed, "I really do"

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked

"I didn't want you to walk back here at night, and I couldn't come get you." he said pointing out the window., and handing me the blunt. "You think shes still there?". I peeked out the window and she was.

"You know what its your fault because we told you shes a crazy bitch, and you thought it was us" I said slapping his arm.

He looked over at me with a sad look on his face, "Im sorry Salma, I really am.".

"Don't worry about it." I took his hand and kissed it, "Im just glad you're okay."

He opened up his arms, and I layed on his chest while we smoked.



"What happened with you and Maddi?" I asked.  As soon as the question slipped out my mouth I regretted asking it. You can tell by his facial expression that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Actually, it's not my place to ask, but if you ever want to talk about it. I'm here always." He looked down at me and kisses my forehead.

"I love you Salma, I'll always be here for you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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