Chapter 6

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I wake up, the heat that's casting from the lamp above me, growing to hot. I get up and stretch, walking over to the food dish to see what's in it today, ' hm some oranges, bananas, and strawberries' I eat starting with the oranges, my ear twitching I hear the door opening, then everyone hissing, I finish eating as the dozen scientists walk past my cage, I move to the entrance to get a better look watching each one pass until one stops, and looks at the clipboard hanging on my cage, putting it down they grab the handle on top of my cage, releasing the magnet on the bottom of the cage.

Walking down the aisle, through the door, down a hallway, and after a couple turns they stop at a door. The inside of the examining room is the same as last time, 'minus the popsicle sticks on the floor' I think humorlessly.

The same thing happens letting me out, weighing me, measuring me, and letting me go. I spread my wings and take flight with smaller flaps this time, I fly over to the netted window and sit down, looking at the scenery. After a couple minutes I stand up and take flight I decide to look at the materials that are on the table, there are cotton balls, that I never noticed before, I walk over wondering if they are good to chew on.

Chewing on one I decide to never do that again, for one they tasted disgusting, and they get stuck in my tiny sharp teeth. Bored I decide to watch my watcher, looking at them I notice they have a wooden pencil in their front shirt pocket, that would probably be better to chew on, I fly over, landing on the armrest I lean my long neck over and grab the pencil they are writing with, I lay down, watching them. They seem almost afraid to move, as I start chewing on my new acquired chew toy, they are probably going to get fired for the lack of notes. I snort, amused at how they are acting like I'm some animal frightened at and small movement or noise, I mean come on I'm over here aren't I? I nudge their hand, them still not moving I reach over and grab their other pencil, and drop it in their lap, that gets their attention, they snap out of their trance-like state and grab their pencil out of their lap, with their other hand they tentatively reach over and when their hand is hovering just in front of me, the door opens, and person with gloves walks in, the scientist, the one by me, quickly writes down, what i suppose, just happened. And the guy with the glove is shocked, I send a picture of him to autumn, earning a chuckle in reply. The glove guy, snapping out of his shock walks over and grabs me,putting me back in the cage.

" So how was the visit? how did you get him to be that surprised? It takes a lot usually" I decide to lie because I don't want her to think of me differently " uh, I kept dodging him, and I landed a hit while flying then I landed on the filing cabinet" " ha, that's funny, he must be new or something for you to surprise him like that at least I know you don't trust our captors, I was starting to think that with how you weren't aggressive when they come" autumn say with a voice full of humor. " Yes" I say while lying down under the heat lamp, if she was suspicious of me im sure she would have noticed the guilt from lying.

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